Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,73

a surprisingly large contingent of highly skilled Jinn healers. They even taught her a little about how to use her power without draining herself too badly. They were good people who showed her both respect and kindness, bolstering her self-esteem in the process.

“Riki?” Nico’s voice sounded through her mind. “Where are you?”

“I’m in the big yellow tent. They’ve gathered all the wounded here.”

“Can you get away or do they need you?”

Riki surveyed the orderly room. There were far more skilled healers than herself here and they had things well under control.

“I’ll come. Where are you?”

“At Estella’s tent. There’s a war council of sorts gathering.”

“Good. I have something to tell them.”

“Really?” Curiosity sounded in his words and she smiled.

“Yes, really.”

“What is it?”

“Wait and see.” She couldn’t resist teasing him. “I’ll be right there.”

Nico was waiting for her in front of the tent. He pulled her into his arms the moment he saw her. Nico kissed her deeply, his relief communicating itself through the kiss as he molded her to his strong body.

“I love you,” he said as he drew back, looking down into her eyes.

No matter how many times she heard him say the words, they always had the same effect on her. Wonder and joy shone through her spirit. Nico loved her!

Nothing could rival the feeling of knowing his love.

Nico kissed her again before she could respond, and then stepped back slightly, motioning for her to enter the tent before him. What she found inside was a grim group of faces, dusty and dirty from the hours just spent defending their very lives.

Riki felt a great sense of responsibility for these people. She’d brought Lucan’s wrath down on them.

Silently she walked to the table and stood before them. Conversation ceased as all eyes turned to her. Her mouth went dry, but she knew she had to speak.

“I apologize.” She paused, gathering her courage. “I brought the skiths here. Lucan was looking for me and attacked you because of it. I am deeply sorry.”

Stunned silence met her words until Estella spoke.

“How can you be so sure this was your fault? We don’t blame you.”

“Well, then you should. I know because Lucan spoke to me through one of the skiths.” Shocked gasps met her statement. “He directs them with his mind. He has power over them now, since he merged with them.”

“Merged?” Arabetta’s voice was grave with worry.

“Lucan is no longer human.” Grave silence met Nico’s announcement. “At least not completely. He’s part skith now. I saw it myself. He talks to them.” Nico stepped up behind Riki, standing close with her back against his chest, offering his support.

“And he talks through them,” Riki confirmed. “He sees through their eyes and was able to communicate with me through one of them.”

“What did he say?”

Riki shrugged. “He wanted me back. Or dead. No surprise there. I was the only thing keeping him alive and out of pain. Without me around to heal him constantly, he’ll be in agony.”

“So he’ll be looking for another healer,” Arabetta said shrewdly. “We must get the word out.” Nods all around the table confirmed the grave need to warn other healers. Riki hadn’t even thought of that, but it was an excellent idea. Still…

“Loralie told him he needed a special healer and that I was the only one in Skithdron.”

“A dragon healer, then,” Estella said without doubt, but Riki was shocked by her assumption.

“I’m not—”

Nico stopped her words with a quick squeeze of his arm around her middle.

“Oh, yes you are a dragon healer. Never doubt that, my love. It is a gift of your heritage. Female descendants of Draneth the Wise are usually able to heal dragons.”

“I had no idea.”

“And until this morning, you’d never shifted either, so don’t doubt it. You have much within you that you’re only just discovering. Personally, I’m going to love every minute of learning just who and what you are.”

Nico’s warm arm around her waist branded her, firing her blood, as did the sexy tone of his voice in her mind.

“What happened to the skith Lucan was using?” Estella’s question shocked Riki back to the conversation.

“I killed it.”

Silence met her words until Nico asked simply, “How?”

She turned in his arms and it was as if only the two of them existed. “At first I was so scared. I’m embarrassed to admit I considered jumping out of the tree to let the skiths have at me. At least they would give me a quick end, or so I thought. But then I Copyright 2016 - 2024