Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,72

mouth. “Watch me first. I’ll set down on the ground and catch you. All right?”

“I’ll try.”

Joy filled him, just watching his remarkable mate. Landing skillfully in the center of the encampment, he picked a clear area so she’d have a little room to maneuver. Nico turned, holding out his wings, coaching his mate into his arms.

“Aim for me, sweetheart. This is the way we teach our babies. Maybe someday soon, we’ll have a baby of our own to teach, eh?” He couldn’t resist teasing and chuckled when her wing beats faltered at the idea.

“Really? A baby?”

She seemed astounded at the idea. “Yes, my love, our baby. A little prince or princess to love and cherish. Part of us. Part of our love. Didn’t you think of that when you agreed to be mine?”

“I hadn’t gotten that far yet.” She chuckled and he saw smoke streaming out behind her as she aimed her flight path for him. “I don’t want to hurt you. Just let me tumble if I land hard, all right?”

“Sweetheart, you could never hurt me. Trust me to catch you and protect you. It’s what I was born to do.”

“You say the sweetest things.” Her voice sounded softly through his mind. “Watch out now, here I come.”

“You’re doing fine.”

Nico continued to encourage her as she slowed and dropped, aiming for him. She stumbled a bit at first, but all in all, she made a good showing for her very first landing. Nico caught her in his strong dragon arms, twining his neck with hers in a dragonish hug. She was so beautiful, so brave and special. She fit him in every possible way.

Riki stepped back, facing Nico as she willed the shift. When she stood once more in human form, she was fully dressed, but her feet were bare. She peered down at her toes in puzzlement as Nico chuckled smoke.

“Where are my shoes?”

“Elsewhere, obviously. Sweetheart, when you shift, you have to hold the image of your clothing—all of your clothing—to you when you come back. Actually, you should be quite proud. Most first-timers come back completely naked. You have your dress at least.”

“And my wedding band.” She held up the glittering gold ring to show him and it sparkled in the sun. Nico growled and it sounded like pure male satisfaction to her. “But I really liked those boots. How can I get them back?”

“Want to try again? Shift to dragon, then back again. Picture yourself fully clothed, including your pretty boots.”

She did so, noting that each time she shifted, it became easier. When she stood before Nico once more in human form, her boots were on her feet and a wide smile adorned her face.

“You’re a natural.”

They both turned as a dragon trumpeted in distress.

“You’d better go help them. I’ll help the healers.”

“Stay in the center of the camp. Promise me you won’t get out near the edges. The ground fighters are better than the dragons, but some of the skiths still might get through.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll stay safe.”

She hugged the secret of her newly discovered ability to throw flame even in human form, close to her heart. She’d tell Nico when they had more time. Right now, those Jinn dragons needed him. It was clear, even to her, they were not very well organized in their flight. Riki had already seen several near misses in the air and was glad to be on the ground, out of the way.

Nico took to the sky with a powerful beat of his wings. No matter how often she saw him in dragon form, he never failed to impress her. He was so beautiful, so competent, so sure of himself and his direction. She wished she could be just half as sure of herself, but she was getting there. With each new discovery, each little success, she was learning just who she was and what she could do.

Soon, she hoped, she would be a woman Nico could be proud of—and that she could be proud of herself. Little by little, she worked toward that goal.

Looking around at the scurrying Jinn, Riki set off in the direction of the injured dragons. She knew what to do for skith venom wounds all too well and would be happy to help these brave people.

Chapter Fourteen

About an hour later, the last skith was dead.

The Jinn dragons were rolling around in a stream not far away, washing the droplets of venom off their black hides before returning to camp. Riki helped the wounded alongside Copyright 2016 - 2024