Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,68

who were within a night’s ride, Prince Collin,” the woman said softly. “The Jinn are numerous and spread all over the lands in many different clans, but all are ruled by my sister, Estella, Steward of the Black Dragon Clan and now by your sister, our new Queen, as well. Our seers tell us a time is coming soon when our forces will unite and fight together to prevent catastrophe for all the lands.”

Roland stood, pacing, while he tried to absorb the strange turn of events.

“Your news is both welcome and troubling,” he said at length. “While I’m overjoyed my wife’s sister has been found and my brother married, I’m concerned by these dark visions of the future. I respect the reputation and skill of your Jinn seers, but I can only hope they’re wrong about what’s coming.” He held up one hand to forestall the argument he could see forming on the woman’s lips. “Nevertheless, all help is welcome, and new black dragon kin even more so. I’m pleased to welcome your people as allies, Magda, and hope we can find a way to work well together.”

The raven-haired girl beamed at him then, and he saw his brothers’ jaws drop as her beauty stunned them. Luckily, the Jinn magic had no effect on him. He loved Lana too much to have his head turned by a pretty girl. Jinn or no.

“With your permission, then…” Magda rose and ruffled her full skirts around her legs, “…we will set an encampment to the east of the existing town, at the base of the castle mount, bordered by the river tributary on the east, the existing town on the west and the open fields to the south.”

“You planned ahead, I see,” Roland teased as she grinned. “Just how many of your brethren are you expecting?”

Magda shrugged daintily. “Several thousand at least, by week’s end. Castleton will become a city by month’s end, and we have plans to develop the open fields to the east, to grow crops to support our people. If we have your permission, of course.”

Roland knew when he’d been outfoxed. The idea was mind-boggling. The Jinn, who were known far and wide as homeless nomads, were putting down roots in Draconia. At the base of his castle, no less. Never did he think to see anything like this in his time.

“Your people are welcome to farm any land not already claimed, Magda, but you realize we must keep the herds for our dragon kin, right?”

Magda laughed and the tinkling sound had his younger brothers squirming in their seats. “But of course! The Black Dragon Clan, above all, knows the importance of working with dragons. We have no desire to rule, but we will fly into battle at your direction, King Roland. We will need training though, with your Lairs. Unfortunately, flying is something we have only done in secret up ’til now and we need more practice working with other dragons in battle.”

Just at that moment, a dragon-sized door opened at the end of the large family chamber and a gleaming silver dragonet tumbled in. He was huge by dragonet standards and far shinier than any other dragon in the land, but he was family. Tor, the baby Ice Dragon, stopped short when he saw a visitor in the room, eyeing her carefully as he came to sit on his haunches behind Lana and Roland.

“Son, this is Second Steward Magda of the Black Dragon Clan of the Jinn. Her people will be building on to the town below.”

“Greetings, Sir Tor.” Magda surprised them all by speaking in the silent way of dragons. “I’ve heard much about you.”

“Lana, she feels like a dragon.” They all heard Tor’s words in their minds. “Like you and Roland.”

Magda laughed, the pleasant sound teasing everyone’s senses. “That’s because I am.”

Riki spread her wings, flying in a secluded area near the Jinn encampment with Nico watching over her every move, coaching and coaxing in the most loving way. The feeling was just amazing. She’d never felt so free in her life, nor so happy. The man she loved flew beside her, guiding her, showing her how to be a dragon, encouraging her and yet, letting her fly free. He was such a special, thoughtful, attentive partner, but never stifling. He was just perfect.

A slithering form below caught her eye and struck fear into Riki’s heart.

Skiths. A lot of them. Heading straight for the Jinn encampment.


“I see them.” His voice sounded grimly through Riki’s mind. “Come Copyright 2016 - 2024