Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,67


“The Jinn have taken over the town. It’s like a festival down there. You should go see.” Prince Collin entered the family dining room as his eldest brother, Roland, rose and went to the long window overlooking the town. His new queen, Lana, sat at the table.

“When did this happen?” Roland asked as he surveyed the town of Castleton, far below. The castle was built into the side of a mountain standing far above the town, sheltering it in its shadow and warmth.

“Overnight, it seems.”

A herald came to the door and drew inside, seeking the king’s attention.

“Your Majesty, an ambassador from the Jinn has arrived and seeks an immediate audience.”

It was unusual, but not unheard of, to entertain ambassadors at breakfast. Roland looked around the room. It was just family here. They all knew of the troubles facing their land and were united in helping him protect the people and dragons of Draconia.

“Show him in.”

The herald coughed politely. “It is a woman, Your Majesty. Magda of the Black Dragon Clan is the name she gave.”

Now this was different. Most often, Jinn women were seen and not heard. All Roland’s previous contact had been through male ambassadors, but he was by no means averse to dealing with women.

“Thank you. Show the lady in.”

The herald retreated, appearing a few minutes later with a woman in tow, though she towered over the teen. She was raven-haired and buxom, a fact he saw his younger brothers note with interest. He sent them a private warning.

“Put your tongues back in your mouths, boys. This is a diplomat and we cannot afford to offend her.”

Lana heard the comment in her mind as well. She rose to greet the woman with a warm smile hiding her amusement.

“Be welcome, Lady Magda. Will you have some breakfast with us?” Lana was already making motions for another place to be set at the long table, across from her and Roland.

The Jinn woman smiled and her beauty only seemed to increase. She had startling green eyes, Roland saw…the color so very familiar.

“You must be Queen Alania. I am Second Steward of the Black Dragon Clan, come to bring news of your sister, Arikia.”

“My sister?” Lana’s face lit with eagerness and went pale with fear at the same time. “What can you tell me of my sister?”

The woman sat as Lana did. Roland took his wife’s hand and squeezed it in support as the other woman spoke.

“Prince Nicolas has found and rescued your sister. They are even now with my people at the Jinnfaire near the northern border of Skithdron. A messenger arrived in the night with the news and bid me gather all the Jinn here, for their homecoming. They were married last night, in the ways of our people, and your sister was crowned Queen of the Jinn.”

“What?” Lana’s eyes were bright with unshed tears of joy. “Nico and Riki? That’s fantastic! But how can she be Queen of the Jinn? Was she with your people all this time?”

Magda shook her head and told them all she knew of Riki’s imprisonment and escape. Magda had a great deal of information from reports of the Jinn musicians Lucan employed. They’d watched the sad, green-eyed girl and reported news of her over the months of her captivity, each separate report coalescing over time to indicate she might be the girl of whom the seers spoke.

Roland listened with quiet interest. What this Jinn woman told them was nothing short of miraculous. When she explained the origins of the Jinn, he was completely astounded to find there were other descendants of Draneth the Wise spread all throughout the lands. Even more fascinating was the idea that the Jinn were a matriarchy, not a patriarchy as he had always assumed. Oh, these people were clever. Not even his infamous Spymaster brother had divined all their secrets.

“There is more, Your Majesties,” the woman continued speaking as breakfast was all but forgotten. “The Black Dragon Clan counts many shapeshifters among its ranks. I am one. The First Steward, Estella, is another. But we add another to our ranks today. The visions proclaim Queen Arikia of the Jinn will find her wings this very morn. Your brother and his mate will fly home together. They will bring an honor guard of black dragons, sent here as liaisons between our forces and yours.”

“More of the Jinn are coming here?” Collin asked from his seat a few feet down the table. “I thought all of them were already in town.”

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