Pretty When She Cries - A. Zavarelli Page 0,80

She crushes me in her grip. “I’m not disappointed in you. You were going through a difficult time, and you shouldn’t have had to deal with any of it on your own. Anger is a natural response to pain. The important part is how we handle things going forward. And I know we can get through this. Together.”

Her assurance floods my body with so much relief all I can do is cry. I cry until I can’t cry anymore. She holds me throughout, stroking my hair and loving me just the same, regardless of the monster I’ve become.

“We can hire someone to investigate,” she tells me as I pull back to wipe my face. “We can find out if this has ever happened to anyone else. We’ll leave no stone unturned. Just tell me it’s okay, and we’ll do it.”

Would Landon and Carson want that?

I’m not sure anymore, but at this point, I can’t see how it could hurt. I think I need to find out what really happened for my sanity. I want to put the whole thing behind me. I want to be Kail again.

“Are you hungry?” Mom asks gently. “I can make you something to eat if you like.”

A smile cracks across my face, and it feels strange to me. “How about some monster cookies?”

My mom smiles back, and at that moment, it feels like everything might just be okay.

“Fresh monster cookies coming right up.”

“You look like you’re getting around better,” Courtney observes as I maneuver myself onto the seat on the patio. Now that my cast is off and I’m in a walking boot, I feel like I’m finally gaining back some of my independence.

“It still hurts a little.” I wiggle my toes. “By the end of the day, it’s swollen again, but the doctors said that’s normal. It could be up to a year before it stops swelling.”

She cringes. “I hope they catch the asshole who did this to you.”

“Me too.”

Court seems to sense the tension creeping back into my body, so she changes the subject.

“Are you back in the pool house now?”

“Not yet,” I groan. “My mom and Theo are being extra vigilant until they know it’s safe, so for now, I’m stuck in the main house.”

Courtney unscrews the cap of her iced tea and takes a drink. “That’s probably for the best, considering you still don’t know who ransacked the place.”

“I know.” A shiver moves through me as I imagine someone rifling through my things for the hundredth time. It’s so creepy.

“So you’re coming back to school next week?” she asks hopefully.

“Yep.” I try to hide the nerves in my voice. It’s been a little over six weeks now, and my doctor gave me the green light to resume my normal school schedule, sans any dancing. My mom is still reluctant to let me go, but Mr. Dawson worked out a system to have a staff member escort me between classes in the interim.

“Thank God.” Court sighs. “That place is insufferable without you.”

“Any news I should know about?” I fiddle with the string of Landon’s hoodie. I never gave it back after I left his house that night, and I’m only wearing it because it’s warm and comfy. Not because it still smells like him.

“Well, Audrey never shuts up about her role as captain.” Court rolls her eyes. “Half the dance team has quit under her tyranny, and the other half is so stressed out, I keep finding clumps of their hair in the bathroom.”

“Really?” I frown. “It isn’t like Coach Lopez to let that sort of stuff slide.”

Courtney hesitates for a moment, chewing on her thumbnail. “Um, yeah, about that…”


“Coach Lopez quit.”

I frown. “Why would she do that?”

“I heard some of the girls talking about it. Apparently, Audrey’s mother has been hell on wheels since their last showdown. She got Coach banned from the committee meetings, and I guess Coach’s house and car have been getting vandalized regularly. Then her dog went missing for a week. When it turned up again, he had a note attached to his collar warning that next time, he’d come back in a body bag. Total sociopathic stuff. And meanwhile, Audrey is all smiles, bragging all over school that she’s gone. It sounds like Coach just couldn’t take it anymore.”

My jaw clamps down in frustration. I haven’t talked to Coach since she stopped by to see me a few weeks ago. She looked tired and apologized about a hundred times for not being there to protect me, Copyright 2016 - 2024