Pretty Sweet - Christina Lee Page 0,30

go figure.

“No fancy-ass drink for you?” Dane asked with a laugh, likely detecting how my eyes had glazed over as I tried to make rhyme or reason of them.

“Got any moonshine back there?” I asked weakly, hoping he’d get that I was more of a simple guy with modest tastes.

He cracked a smile. “How about our most popular craft beer?”

“Perfect,” I replied, relieved he got my meaning. “Thanks.”

As I took a few grateful sips of the wheat beer he’d placed in front of me, I turned my attention back to the music. Seth and Jesse were a good duo and pretty entertaining, if the stuffed tip jar on the piano was any sign. In fact, as I looked around the room, plenty of eyes were focused on their act, and Jesse really hammed it up by traveling to the tables and sitting on a couple of willing laps. Dane was probably used to it by now, but I noted how his eyes always traveled to the stage in between serving drinks.

When an older gentleman stood and tugged his partner to a small strip of space in front of the stage that doubled as a dance floor, it felt surreal watching as they leaned on each other and swayed. And maybe it was the whole prohibition vibe here, but suddenly I got why these places were needed dating back to who knew when. No way could those guys walk into a random corner bar and start dancing together without getting slurs flung in their direction.

My pulse pattered in my eardrums. Fuck, this felt huge. Why hadn’t I given this much thought before? I felt like shit that I’d been able to hide behind my supposed heterosexuality all this time.

Deep breaths. One step at a time. Damn, my brain was feeling all fucked up since the night I’d jacked off to Seth. It was like all my fantasies had transformed into a real live person, making all this weigh more. Not that Seth felt the same about me, and I didn’t know if I could handle it if he did. Okay, settle down. It’s only a little crush.

Again, overwhelming. Completely.

When Jesse announced a break, I held my breath as he walked off stage. But Seth continued playing through another song, maybe as a transition. I selfishly hoped he got a break soon so I could talk to him and tell him how amazingly talented he was.

I watched Dane place a glass of water with lemon at the other end of the bar, then waited as Jesse stepped up to gulp it down gratefully. He leaned over to give Dane a kiss, then whispered something, and Dane motioned over his shoulder in my direction.

Jesse looked across the bar and did a double take before clapping excitedly and marching over to me. He did pretty well in those heels.

“Hey, you! Glad you could make it.” He thumped my shoulder. “Seth will be thrilled.”

“Yeah?” For some reason that response made me feel hot under the collar. “I, uh, wanted to see him play and you perform. You guys are awesome!”

He grinned and batted his eyelashes. “Thank you.”

As I sipped my beer, my gaze naturally drifted back to Seth at the piano.

“So…you guys have become friends,” Jesse said, a calculating look in his eye.

“Yeah, you can say that. Well, through my mom. She works—”

“Oh, I know all about it.” He waved a hand toward the stage. “Seth doesn’t stop buzzing about how awesome you and Bonnie are. I’m glad he found new friends.”

I felt my cheeks flush. What in the hell was wrong with me? “Thanks.”

When the song ended and Seth stood up and began heading toward the bar, my mouth ran dry. Holy fuck, I was so attracted to this guy.

A man stopped him with a hand on his wrist, and Seth bent forward so the man could whisper in his ear and shove a tip in his hand. I shifted in my seat, feeling the hot sting of protectiveness. I could feel Jesse watching me closely. Shit.

“He’s okay. Seth can take care of himself.”

“What?” I asked, pretending I wasn’t gripping the edge of the bar until my knuckles turned white. “Of course he can.”

“Whatever you say.” Jesse smirked at me, but I couldn’t even pay attention because Seth’s eyes locked with mine, and the way he looked at me—so happy and shy and adorable—sent my stomach into a free fall.

“You came!” Seth said when he finally got to me.

“Glad I did.” I grinned. “You Copyright 2016 - 2024