Power Play - Brittney Mulliner Page 0,43

my future in their hands and waited.

“We’d like to extend your contract for four more years,” the owner announced, and all the air in my body left in a swift motion.

“Really?” I gasped. Four years?

Keith squeezed my shoulder and held a paper for me to see. A four-year contract with nearly double my previous salary. I fought to keep my composure, be professional.

“Thank you very much. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I want nothing more than to continue to be a member of the Fury franchise.”

“We’re glad to hear that.” Coach smiled at me and stood. “Enjoy your break. We’ll be back before you know it.”

“Thank you.” It seemed to be the only words I knew how to say as I stood and shook hands with everyone in the room.

Keith patted my back. “We’ll go over the rest of the details later and get it signed.”

I nodded. “Sounds good.”

“I’m proud of you.” He walked me to the door, and I floated through the office in a daze.

A few faces watched me, some smiled while others looked curious. Should I shout the news? Jump on the nearest desk and start a victory dance?

What was the proper reaction to your dreams coming true?

“Hi, Dumoulin.” I turned at my name to see Chloe walking toward me. Her son was once again held against her chest in a complicated looking wrap. It seemed comfortable for the tiny baby, snoozing away while Chloe worked and made demands.

“Hey.” I paused, and she reached me.

“I saw you had a meeting with the big guys. All good?”

She was being vague for a reason. I couldn’t discuss things until they were finalized, but I nodded once.

She winked. “Good. We need you around here.”

“Chloe, is this what you’re thinking?” Taylor walked out of Chloe’s office holding a tablet in her hands.

She looked up and started. “Oh. Sorry, I didn’t know …”

I waited for her to finish but she just stared at me.

“Jason, you’re the first to meet the Fury’s newest employee.” There was a glint in Chloe’s eyes. Like she knew exactly what was going through my brain.

Panic. Confusion.

I shook my head. “I …”

“You two need to work on your communication skills.” She smirked.

“Sorry, I’m a little off today.” Understatement of the year. It was only two in the afternoon, and I’d been through every emotion. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

Taylor gave a small smile. “Me neither, but I guess I should get used to seeing you and the rest of the guys more often.”

Right, because she worked here now?

“Taylor is working on a special new project while also working with our graphic design team.”

I turned to her. “A special accounting project?”

She shook her head. “No actually––”

“No way was I letting this one waste her talent sitting at a desk, working on spreadsheets all day. Oh no. The second I saw her drawings I knew we had to have her. The possibilities are endless. We’re starting on something super-secret, but I have a long list of work for her.”

Taylor was an exceptional artist. I told her that the first time I saw her sketchbook. She used to enter local and national competitions and usually won. That was why I didn't understand when she told me she’d changed her major. I thought being an artist was her dream.

“I’m really glad you realized her potential.” I glanced at Chloe before focusing back on Taylor. “This is what you’re meant to do with your life.”

Her eyes dropped, and she shrugged one shoulder.

I hated seeing her like this. Where was the confident, vibrant girl I loved? She seemed fine when she was with the women, but around me, she sank in on herself. Maybe it was selfish, but I needed to know why.

“Can we get lunch or maybe coffee sometime?” The words were out before I could think about what I was asking for. Basically, a date.

“Now would be a good time,” Chloe answered. “I could use an afternoon pick-me-up. Would you mind grabbing me a passion fruit iced tea?”

Taylor looked between us and seemed to resign to the fact that it was two against one. I didn’t mean to corner her like this, but Chloe was taking my side for some reason.

“Just a second.” Taylor spun and walked back into the office.

“Be nice.” Chloe narrowed her eyes. The or else was implied. I nodded and straightened when Taylor walked out with her purse on her shoulder.

We walked in silence to the elevator, neither of us speaking until the doors were

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