Power Play - Brittney Mulliner Page 0,41

a destination wedding for her? I think she would be more than happy with that.”

“That would definitely get everyone on board with going,” I mentioned as if I had a say in any of this.

Chloe nodded. “You’re right. And if people only wanted to stay for a couple of days, they could. Or they make it into a vacation with us.”

In the fifteen minutes it took for Colby to arrive, they had a plan in place.

“Hey!” Colby walked out to the pool and quickly tossed her dress aside before slipping into the water. “Oh, this is perfect.”

Chloe beamed. “You know what would be even more perfect?”

I chuckled at her oh-so-subtle transition.

“What? A pool boy that brings us drinks?” Colby asked.

“Exactly!” Sydney shouted and then held up the boys’ water bottles. “Except some of us already have that service.”

Colby laughed but seemed a bit confused. “Are you saying you’re going to hire someone, Chloe?”

“No, that would be ridiculous.” Chloe waved her off. “We have a much better idea.”

“Oh really?” Colby looked at me, and I just smiled.

“Yes, we were talking about how we should do another vacation together, and one thing led to another and we came up with a brilliant idea!”

Colby glanced between us. “What is it?”

“You and Noah should have a destination wedding! We’ll all go to Mexico again and stay at a resort, and you guys can get married and honeymoon there!”

Her eyebrows rose. “That’s not a bad idea.”

Chloe nodded. “We know.”

“We haven’t found a venue we’ve been excited about here, and all of our family is going to have to travel anyway so they might as well get a vacation out of it.” She nodded. “I kind of love this.”

Chloe clapped. “Perfect! We just need a date from you and then we can take care of the rest.”

Colby smiled. “Sounds good to me. Noah and I don’t care about much. We just want to be married.”

“It’s the perfect final celebration before you guys move to Seattle,” Sydney added.

Colby bit her lip and smiled. “I really, really like this idea. I can’t believe we didn’t think of something similar.”

Chloe tossed her hair. “It’s what we’re here for.”

“I’ll double-check with Noah and our parents on a date, but after that, can I hand this off to the three of you?”

I looked at Sydney and Chloe. She was including me in this? “You want me there?”

“Of course! We might be new friends, but we already have history.” Colby winked.

I guess after the experience in the restaurant’s restroom, we did have an unusual bond.

“I would be honored to help.”

“You guys are the best.” Colby relaxed onto her back and floated. “It’s like this enormous weight has been lifted off me.”

I played with Callan, lifting him in and out of the water while he squealed. The twins continued showing off for us, and I let myself enjoy the moment.

“I have a list of contacts for you. I reached out to a few in particular that I thought you might enjoy working with, and sent your résumé to them. So far, three are interested in meeting you.”

“Really? Three? That’s amazing.” Of course, Chloe would go back into work mode so quickly. I’d heard the stories of how she managed to keep track of dozens of projects, both professional and personal, and she never let anything fall apart. Most of the women called her superhuman. The guys on the team joked she got her powers from a darker source.

“I’ll give you the file I put together before I go.”

“Thank you.” I meant it. I needed all the help I could get.

“Taylor, do you mind if I use your bathroom?” Colby asked as she swam to the side.

“Of course not. The side door is unlocked.” It was nice of her to ask even though it was more Sydney’s house than mine.

A minute later, the main door swung open. “Have you guys seen these?” Colby called out with one of my notebooks in her hand.

I froze with Callan giggling and splashing his feet in the water. “How did you find that?”

Colby walked toward us. “I went to look for a drink. Sorry, Sydney always keeps sodas in there. I should have asked.”

I shook my head. I didn’t care about that.

“This was just lying open on the kitchen counter like it doesn’t belong on the TV or in a movie or something.”

Chloe got out of the water and went to look.

Ugh. That wasn’t even my good notebook. That was the one I doodled in while I was

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