Power Play - Brittney Mulliner Page 0,40

to. Brandon was able to join us twice, but he had photoshoots and press things to attend to. Plus, he worked out for a minimum of two hours a day, so depending on when his teammates wanted to meet up at the gym, he couldn't make it to the daily pool party.

“Anything new today?” Sydney asked while she kicked her feet in the water. She was holding a water bottle in each hand, trying to get the boys to drink between each of their turns on the slide.

“Only two.” I slipped into the water next to her and cheered as Milo came down on his stomach.

“Chloe said she’ll be over with some ideas today.”

That was good news. As much as I loved this leisure lifestyle, it couldn’t last long. Unfortunately, one needed money to survive, not just popsicles and sunlight.

“Do you guys have any summer plans?” I probably should have asked before accepting her invitation to stay there. What if they were traveling, and I had to leave?

“The boys’ mom gets them for three weeks, but we’ll see if it happens.” Sydney shook her head. “We haven’t mentioned it to them because we don’t want them to be disappointed if she cancels. Other than that, we’re planning on sticking around. I’m going to take the boys on some hikes, but Brandon hasn’t mentioned any trips.”

“You sound disappointed.” I smiled at her slight frown.

“I’ve been hearing the stories of their great Mexico adventure since I started working for Brandon. I hoped it was an annual thing, but no one’s mentioned anything yet.”

“Maybe you can spark the idea?” I tried not to be jealous. A vacation sounded amazing. The past two weeks were the closest thing I’d had to one since graduating high school. I worked every summer through college and went home on the breaks. I’d been so focused on making my résumé as competitive as possible, that I never allowed myself to slow down and relax. Even for a week.

Finn and Milo ran past and she made them stop to each take a few sips of water. “That’s not a bad idea.”

“A bad idea? What did I miss?”

I spun in time to see Chloe setting down her bag on a lounge chair with her baby, Callan, in her other arm. I pulled myself out of the water and went to see him.

“Hello, sweet boy!” She held him out for me to take, and I didn’t hesitate. I’d only gotten to see him from a distance at the game.

He didn’t flinch at my wet hands and instantly gave me a gummy smile. He was wearing the tiniest pair of swim trunks I’d ever seen with a matching shirt. She put on a hat with a full brim, and I nearly burst.

“You are the cutest guy in the whole world!” I took him to the pool steps and sat on the first one so he could dip his little toes into the water.

Chloe joined me, looking way too good in a bathing suit for having just had a baby. “So what evil were you guys discussing?”

Sydney laughed. “Nothing evil. I was just saying how I’d hoped the Mexico trip you guys took was an annual thing, but I haven’t heard anyone mention anything this year.”

“That was the only time we did a group trip like that, actually,” Chloe said. “It was all Colin’s idea, I think.”

“Then I think we should make it a tradition,” Sydney countered.

Chloe looked down at Callan. “I’m sure Reese’s parents would love to come spend some time with their grandbaby.”

Sydney scrunched her nose. “Would Madi and Erik be able to go?”

Chloe shrugged. “Depends on when we go, and if she ends up bottle-feeding or not. She’s more likely to go if we plan it for the end of the summer.”

“We should plan something.”

Chloe’s eyes lit up. “My favorite words.”

I laughed at their exchange, trying to suppress the green monster within.

“It would be the perfect farewell to Noah and Colby.” Chloe paused. “What if they got married there?”

Sydney’s eyes widened. “Don’t they already have everything planned and booked?”

“No.” Chloe sighed. “Colby said they haven’t had enough time to even think about it.”

“We should call her and have her come over.” Sydney was already standing and hurried to her phone. Within a minute she hung up and resumed her spot in the pool. “She’s coming but I didn’t say anything. We need to figure out how to sell this.”

“You mean, convince the least fussy bride ever to let us plan

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