The Persona Protocol - By Andy McDermott Page 0,29

But I guarantee you’ll be interested. So, ask.’

‘Okay. The obvious first: what the hell happened to you?’

‘I took a trip to Pakistan, where I got a nine-millimetre bullet to the back.’

‘Oh my God!’

‘Yeah, that was basically my reaction, but with more “aaaargh”. I won’t bore you with the literally gory details, but suffice it to say that the next time I eat solid food, which won’t be for a while yet,’ he waved a hand at the intravenous drip beside the bed, ‘it’ll have a slightly shorter journey through and out. Somewhere around here, there’s a jar with about a foot of my small intestine in it.’

‘Jesus,’ Bianca said. ‘Was there any other damage?’

‘No, I was, air quotes, lucky. Part of my deal with my employers was that I get danger money for working abroad – and also a paid medical plan. Just as well, in hindsight.’

‘I can’t believe how . . . how relaxed you seem about it.’

‘Well, the first reason is that what’s done is done, so there’s no point having hysterics. The second reason is that I’m drugged to the eyeballs! They’ve got me on quite a cocktail. A good buzz, actually. Reminds me of my college days.’

‘When did all this happen?’

‘Yesterday. Or was it two days ago? It’s confusing enough with the time zones, even if I didn’t feel like I’d just had a damn good toke.’

‘Roger,’ she chided. ‘What about Jill, and the kids? Have they come to see you?’

He shook his head. ‘I haven’t spoken to either of the kids in over a year. And Jill, well . . .’

She noticed a band of paler skin on the ring finger of his left hand. ‘Oh, Roger! Not again!’

‘Don’t give me that look! I’d already been divorced three times, so the odds of wife number four faring any better weren’t good. Besides, I enjoy looking for the next ex-Mrs Albion. It’s a lot more fun than the actual marriage.’

‘You are a terrible human being,’ Bianca told him mockingly. ‘But what were you doing in Pakistan?’

The jocular look disappeared. ‘I’ve been working on something for US intelligence. I can’t tell you anything else until you get full security clearance, but suffice it to say that something I developed is key to it.’

‘A drug?’

‘Yes. Well, more than one, but they’re related in function. The reason I was out in the field rather than sitting in a nice clean safe lab is that the doses have to be very precise. They depend not only on the subject’s size and weight, body characteristics and so on, but also on an assessment of their physical condition. It’s too complicated to be left to a chart – someone with medical knowledge has to make a determination before deciding the dose.’ Albion glanced towards the door, dropping his voice to a whisper. ‘At least . . . that’s what I told them.’

She leaned closer. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean, any chimp with an iPhone app could work out the right dose. The reason I said it’s incredibly complicated and only I could do it was that the moment they found out I wasn’t indispensable, they would have fired my ass.’

‘What! You . . .’ She brought her voice back down to a strained whisper. ‘You lied to the CIA?’

‘Technically they’re not the CIA, but I’ll let them explain that. But yes, I bent the truth a little.’

‘A little! Are you out of your mind? They would have sent you to prison if they’d found out. And even though they didn’t, it’s not like you’re any better off. You got shot!’

Even through the drugs, Albion was annoyed by her criticism. ‘Yes, I know, it didn’t exactly turn out as I’d hoped. But I had over two years working for a very generous client. We’re talking black budget here – it’s like a bottomless well of cash. But if I’d said, “Okay guys, here are the formulas and my little black book telling you everything you need to work out the dosages,” then it would all have gone, just like that. Poof! No more money – not even patent royalties. There was no way I was going to give that up willingly.’

Bianca’s tone became scathing. ‘And look where it got you. Stuck in a bed with your gut in a jar.’

‘I don’t need a lecture from you, Miss Childs!’ he snapped, before calming. ‘Sorry, I’m sorry. Yes, I know all this is entirely my own dumb fault. But I’ve just been through yet another Copyright 2016 - 2024