The Persona Protocol - By Andy McDermott Page 0,28

me tell James myself. I can’t just disappear without a word.’

‘All right,’ said Sergeant, with evident reluctance. ‘We’ll both go and talk to him now.’

Tony took out a phone. ‘I’ll get the ball rolling while you do that.’

Bianca and Sergeant returned to the function room, leaving him to make his call. Just as Bianca reached to open the door, Sergeant put a hand on her arm. ‘There’s one thing, Dr Childs. SIS is doing this as a favour to our American friends – professional courtesy, so to speak. But . . .’ She glanced back as if to check that the CIA man wasn’t eavesdropping. ‘They’re being very tight-lipped about what your friend Dr Albion was actually working on. Counterterrorism, they say, which is why it’s a national security issue – but they won’t say in what area. And if they won’t give us the full story, it affects our ability to fight terrorism.’

Bianca knew there was something else coming. ‘So, you want . . .’

‘We just want you to keep your eyes and ears open while you’re over there. Discreetly, of course.’

‘Of course,’ Bianca said cuttingly as she knocked on the door, wondering what she was about to let herself in for.


Friends Reunited

Washington DC, United States

Bianca!’ said Albion. He tried to sit up, but grimaced at a stab of pain. ‘Great to see you again. Glad you could make it.’

‘I could hardly say no,’ she said, leaning down gingerly to embrace him. Despite his size, he seemed worryingly small and weak in the hospital bed. Tony, who had brought her to the room, stood back and waited.

‘You’re looking well. And you’ve done something to your hair, I think?’

‘I tried a new tint. Kind of a—’

‘Oh no, I didn’t mean coloured. I meant combed.’

‘You cheeky old sod!’ she said, but with a smile.

‘Sorry, I couldn’t resist. But no, you look great. So, how are you? You were going to join Jimmy Harding’s start-up. How’s that working out?’

‘Pretty well,’ she said, not wanting to jinx anything. She still hadn’t heard any news from James about the deal, good or bad. ‘Yes, I’ve been there over two years. We’ve had some promising results.’

‘I’m not surprised, knowing you. So, you’re here. Tony, would you mind if I talked to Bianca in private? Don’t worry, I won’t give away any state secrets.’

Tony nodded. ‘Dr Childs, I’ll be outside when you’re done. Talk to you later, Roger.’

Albion waited until he had left the room before speaking again. ‘Decent guy, just . . . a bit of a straight arrow,’ he opined. ‘Worryingly few vices. Anyway, take a seat.’ He pushed a button to elevate the head of the bed as Bianca pulled up a chair. ‘I imagine you’re ever so slightly curious about what’s going on.’

‘Nooo, I hadn’t given it the slightest thought the whole time the CIA was flying me to Washington in a private jet.’

Albion chuckled. ‘It’s amazing how much money the US government is willing to throw around to get something they want. I’d be up in arms at the waste of taxpayer dollars,’ he dropped his voice, mock-conspiratorially, ‘if I didn’t have an extremely good accountant making sure I pay as few of them as possible.’

‘Don’t tell me you’ve joined the one per cent, Roger!’

‘There’s always going to be a top one per cent; it’s simple math. Better to be in it than not.’ He cocked his head, seeing her look of disapproval. ‘Oh, sorry. I forgot you’re a commie.’

‘Hardly. But right now, you Americans think that anyone to the left of Margaret Thatcher is a communist,’ she retorted, prodding his arm. ‘People over here start screaming “Socialism!” about policies that even the most right-wing government in Europe would consider a bit extreme. I don’t know if it’s funny or scary.’

‘When it comes to American politics, it’s both. It’s always both. But,’ he went on, becoming serious, ‘this isn’t so much politics as realpolitik. You’ve got questions. I’ll answer them – although there are some things I can’t tell you just yet. Even though I imagine Tony asked you to sign three hundred pages of forms just to get limited security clearance.’

Bianca pulled a face. ‘He did, and I almost didn’t sign them, to be honest. They made it sound as if I’d be sent to Guantanamo Bay if I breathed a single word.’ She narrowed her eyes. ‘And you can’t tell me things “yet”? It seems like you’re expecting me to be around for a while.’

‘We’ll see how it goes. Copyright 2016 - 2024