The Perfect Daughter - Joseph Souza Page 0,125

that her two children had gone missing she didn’t care about any of that. She entered her bedroom. Squatting, Karl glanced back at her so she could see what he was seeing. The door to her gun safe lay open, and her Glock was nowhere in sight.

“God no.”

“I don’t think they were kidnapped, Isla. I think Katie took Ray’s keys and your gun and went somewhere.”

“But where would they go? And how does Katie know the combination to my safe?”

“I have no idea,” he said, dialing the chief, “but I think I might know why.”

She watched as he called in Ray’s pickup and license plate number. Once he’d provided all the information, he ended the call, sat down on the bed, and explained what he’d learned from the Internet. He theorized that Willow might still be alive and that she called Katie for help.

“So why did she take the gun?” Isla asked.

“I’m guessing that Willow must have persuaded her that she was in trouble and needed help.”

“But why would she help Willow if Willow committed these murders?”

“I’m not certain she did commit them, but I bet she knows who did.”

“And who do you think that is?”

“I have no idea. Maybe Willow convinced your daughter that she, Willow, killed Dakota in self-defense. Or maybe Katie really can’t remember what happened, and that’s why she agreed to take Raisin with her. So she could look after him, since your husband couldn’t.”

“God, Karl, I’m scared. We need to find them before . . .”

“We’ll find them, Isla. I promise.”


I RACE ACROSS TOWN IN MY FATHER’S NEW TRUCK. HE TAUGHT ME HOW to drive when I was fifteen, and so I feel confident behind the wheel of this rig. On the passenger-side floor mat sit three empty beer cans, like a trio of little orphans all named Bud. No sense obeying the speed limit, because I know everyone’s out looking for me, anyway. Five police officers for an entire town seems a bit paltry, but tonight that might work in my favor.

My mother is probably frantic with worry. At least Raisin will be safe once she’s home, meaning I can save Willow.

I turn on the high beams because of the lack of streetlights outside of the downtown area. The road twists and turns through the dense grove of trees. It seems I’m the only one out tonight. On the seat next to me rests my mom’s loaded Glock. The only time I’ve ever seen her use it was when a black bear started rooting around in our trash bin. One shot above its head and it took off into the woods, never to be seen again. I was ten at the time and remember being impressed with my mother’s bravery.

What I’ve done will have consequences. I’ve come to terms with that, however misguided my actions may be. I left my father asleep on the couch, with the window shattered and that threatening note sitting on the kitchen table. It will look bad for him when my mother shows up and sees him in that condition. Then, when she notices that I’ve borrowed his truck and taken her gun, she’ll be beyond worried. I only pray that Raisin’s numbers stay normal until my mother arrives home.

There’ll be a reckoning after all of this plays out. How it will affect me, I’m not quite sure, but everyone will know where they stand in this family. There’ll be no more deception and lies, and maybe that will end up being a good thing.

Or not.

It could end up being bad. Because I’m not all the way back to feeling normal. It’s this memory of mine that’s still giving me fits. My head feels perfectly fine at the moment, which tells me that something else is at play. It tells me that my brain is resisting my heart’s many questions. But for what reason? Because the truth will be too traumatic? It’s my biggest fear, that the reality of what I’ve done is so horrible that my mind refuses to cough up the truth.

I’m on my way to save Willow. Or it could be myself I’m trying to save. Or the self I’m meant to one day become. My mind feels numb as I drive through town. The road comes to me like I’m playing in one of Raisin’s video games.

For the first time in a while, I feel answers are close at hand.

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I keep thinking about how Willow grabbed Julian’s hand and stole him away from Copyright 2016 - 2024