The Path To Us - Jennifer Van Wyk Page 0,98

and KU For You groups are two of my homes on social media and part of the reason for that is because of the readers. I love our low key, no drama fun.

Julie – you have such a great eye and I’m so grateful to have you! Thank you.

Kaitie. Thanks for being my friend and always checking in and offering to help.

Bloggers and Bookstagrammers. Your work is endless and doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you for working so hard to promote us and offering your support.

This year more than ever we need to thank our education system. It was not easy and I’m the first to admit that my kids epically failed at distance learning but their teachers offered support and help in monumental ways. Thank you for loving our children, for working your tails off, and for taking a weird situation better.

And finally, you, the readers. Last but definitely not least. I am humbled daily by your support of my small town romances and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.

I love to hear from you!

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Thank you so much!

Blogger List

Are you a Book Blogger or Bookstagrammer?

I love living in a world where blogging and gramming our love for books is a thing. If you are a blogger, bookstagrammer, or spend time on Pinstagrammer (I totally just made up that word), I’d love to have you sign up for my master blogger list. Don’t worry — I won’t hound you constantly. This is a way for me to reach you when I have updates and keep in touch.

JVW Blogger List

About the Author

From the Ground Up was Jennifer’s first published novel and now that she was bitten by the writing bug, has no intention of ever stopping. Jennifer makes her home in small town Iowa with her high school sweetheart, three beautiful, hilarious and amazing kids, one crazy Jack Russell terrier. This is where her love for all things reading, baking, and cooking happen. Jennifer’s family enjoys camping, boating, and spending time outside as much as possible. You'll be her best friend if you can make her laugh and follow up with asking her what to read next. When she’s not writing, you can find her cheering the loudest at her kids’ sporting events (read as: embarrassing them), sipping coffee or iced tea out of a mason jar with her Kindle in her lap or binging on Netflix.

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Other Books By Jennifer Van Wyk

From the Ground Up (Barrett & Tess Ryan):

A Better Place (James & Carly):

Feels Like Home (Andy & Christine):

Waiting For Her (Grady & Bri):

All I Need (Walker & Ellie):

Gone For You (Ethan & Olivia):

Falling For You (Rex & Chloe):

Staying For You (Owen & Cami):

I’m Yours (Reed & Sadie)

The Other Guy: A Textdoor Neighbor Romance

Coming Soon

What’s coming up?

I am currently working on three incredible stories and feel inspired every day to write all three.

Together: A Surprise Baby Romance

You can add it to your TBR here:

Together is the story of two broken hearts who get the surprise of a lifetime after spending a night together trying to forget.

One Night Forever: A single parent second chance romance

You can add it to your TBR here:

Twenty years ago, they were stranded in a hotel while a blizzard kept their flights landed. It was a night neither would ever forget. They thought they’d never see each other again but Fate had other plans.

A Love Like Ours: A married couple romance

Add it to your TBR here:

People envy a love like ours.

So much so, that we’ve made a career out of teaching others’ how to have it. Hundreds of relationships have been repaired at our exclusive mountain resort.

The Last Resort lives up to its namesake for couples looking to salvage their marriages. Together, we counsel, guide, and encourage our guests. Our success rate? One hundred percent.

The only problem is... somewhere along the way, we stopped listening to our own advice. And pretending has become exhausting. Is it even worth it anymore?

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