The Path To Us - Jennifer Van Wyk Page 0,70

need to find a time to call my parents without Zoey overhearing our conversation because while Addy might be okay with my parents knowing that we’re together, she didn’t give any indication that she’s ready for Zoey to know.

Which sucks for me, but understandable. She’s been through enough over the last few months, it’s not necessary to add more to the mix until we know she’s ready for it.

“Das fine. Where are we going?”

“Still a surprise,” I tell her, bopping her on the tip of her nose.

Like her mother has perfected, she rolls her eyes at me then snuggles her donkey closer and lies down, resting her head on top of Macaroni’s butt.


She nods and Macaroni looks at her over his shoulder, huffs, and lies back down.

I don’t want to overdo it for her and do too much today so I think simple for my options knowing that a few hours in the pool under the scorching hot sun will take a lot out of her.

Which helps me decide how to spend our morning.

I make a quick phone call to see if Zoey and I can go where I’m hoping to take her, and shoot off a text to my parents to let them know that I have something to talk to them about but the gist of it is, I need them to watch Zoey tonight.

Mom’s response was sending: So does this mean … finally?

Of course she’d read into it.

I texted back that I didn’t want to tell them over text because Addy deserved more than that but I couldn’t call because little ears were around.

My phone rang and I answered quickly before climbing into the shower.

“Hi, Mom.”

I turn the exhaust fan on in the bathroom to help drown out any sound. I might be overreacting, but I really don’t want Zoey hearing anything until Addy gives me the okay.

She sniffles on the other end of the line. “I just need to tell you I’m so happy.”


“I know, I know. I’m being emotional but you need to know that we’ve wanted this for so long and I prayed for you and Addy to wake up and be together for longer than I care to admit. Your brother would be happy,” she says quietly and a lump forms in my throat.

“Are you sure about that?” I believe that, also, but somehow hearing it from my mother means more to me than knowing on my own.

“Positive.” Comes my dad’s voice. “Mom’s a bit emotional so you’ve got me now, son. He loved you both, and yes, he might have loved Addy in his own way for a long time but he knew why they weren’t together and the reason they were never together aside from to give me my precious grandbaby is because she’s always been in love with you. And you’ve been an idiot for a long time but I know that you finally wised up to your feelings before Zoey was born. Then Zoey was born and you didn’t know how to navigate those waters so you became an even bigger idiot until you pulled your head out of your ass and realized that having them in your life as it was, was better than not at all. And now you finally figured it out which must have given Addy the courage to be honest with you about the feelings she’s had for you since she was probably fourteen years old. So yeah, it’s a good thing and we’ll watch Zoey tonight so you and Addy can finally figure it out and move on. Together.”

When he’s done with his speech, I have to grip my phone tight and rest a hand on the bathroom counter so my knees won’t buckle beneath me.

He’s quiet on the other end, allowing me time to process all that was just said.

“So you and Mom are good with having Zoey overnight tonight.”

“Yeah, son. We’re good with it. And we’re also good with the rest of it, if you didn’t get that from before.”

“I got it.”

“Good. Now, here’s your mother. She’s finally stopped crying tears of joy that her son got over his shit and stopped being an idiot.”

“You know, I’m going to start getting a complex if you keep calling me an idiot.”

He chuckles and then I hear Mom’s soft voice. “Your dad said almost everything that needed to be said but I want to say, also, that I love you. I love Addy. And Christopher would have been over the moon to see Copyright 2016 - 2024