The Order: Hit and Run by Emma Cole Page 0,26

to watch the proceedings. At least they're outside, so I don't have to try to find a way into the building.

The men in the robes have the hoods pulled up, obscuring most of their features. The lower parts of their faces are exposed, but the dark shadows make it impossible to discern any identifying characteristics. Small LED lamps are hanging around the area, lending an eerie glow to the tableau. It's only a few moments before three more figures with hoods appear from the dark mouth of the building, leading a bound and gagged Olivia. She's also dressed in a robe, but this one is a dark red instead of black, and the hood is hanging down around her shoulders. She's blindfolded, but I can tell from her muffled mewling behind the gag that she's protesting being here.

One robed man begins speaking as the young woman is led to a stand of sorts where she's put onto all fours, and her hands are locked into cuffs that are attached to the top of it. Recognition hits— it's a fucking altar.

"Tonight Olivia Bream serves as our vessel. She willfully defied our covenant of silence and secrecy, directly addressing the Axiom Host and jeopardizing our mission. At least one able member of each coterie present will take a turn, leaving the Axiom's to finish." The man gestures a hand toward the semi-circle around him.

What in the everloving hell are these people smoking? And what the fuck is an Axiom? All the chick did was be a snatch. It's not worth all this crazy.

Deciding this has to be some insane cult shit, I pull out my phone, making sure the light doesn't come on, and start recording. Surely, this counts as grounds to break my contract.

As the first two that led her there step up to the makeshift altar they pull her scarlet robe off, leaving her naked in the cool night air. Despite her unintelligible protests and my silent ones, one of the men takes a small knife out, carving an unknown shape into her back between her shoulder blades. Next, he rubs a powder in it, and it lights up blue before settling back down into a tattoo of scales.

I have to muffle my surprised intake of air as I recognize it. It's the same mark that I saw on Kael in the hospital. Olivia shrieks and writhes as it burns into her skin while two more of the robed men break away from the circle. One removes her gag, and the other gets behind her.

Immediately, she starts yelling, "I can't sustain the energy for this! Let me up, I'm sorry!" She breaks into sobs when the response she gets is a dark chuckle from one of the hooded figures.

"That's quite the point of this exercise, my dear. Don't worry, your family will understand when they're compensated and informed you carried out your duties as a vessel."

Olivia begins to struggle in earnest, and while I don't know what any of this means, I'm sure it can't be good. And I'm right, I discover, as the men drop their robes, revealing two of my professors. The one in front takes advantage of her open mouth as does the other from behind.

I turn my head in horror, unable to watch what’s happening, and try to figure out how to quietly sneak away from here and call the police. My plans are thwarted when several of the group stand in front of my position on the other side of the wall. I'm hidden under the bushes but getting out and making my escape without alerting them feels impossible. And there's no way I want to find out what they'll do if I get caught.

By now the two men are finishing what they were doing, and the scales on Olivia's back have lit up in a glowing blue. I'm trying to figure out how they're doing it when matching ones on the inner wrists of the men light up as well. They step away when they're done, and the first man speaks again.

"Master Drake, you will take your turn as will Master Jaeger."

So they are here! Deviant pigs. I had hoped I was wrong, not only because this is wrong, but because the boys I used to know would never participate in such a thing.

"Uncle, I cannot, as I am bonded." Drake's voice trembles slightly from the recess of his hood as he faces who I now realize is Damien's father.

Damien Sr. is an asshole, Copyright 2016 - 2024