The Order: Hit and Run by Emma Cole Page 0,27

but I'd never thought he was this big of one. And what does Drake mean by bonded?

"The bond doesn't prevent you from using her mouth, nor Master Jaeger her rear. Bonds only apply to the use of another's cunt." The man is insane as well as beyond vulgar.

Drake and Jaeger drop their robes, completely nude in the courtyard. Jaeger is still as pale as earlier, his features resigned, and when I focus on Drake's face, he seems much the same. Almost robotically, they approach the girl as three more come up and drop their robes. Blaise, Ash, and Riggs.

Riggs hands off a tube to Drake before he and the other two stand off to the side. I don't get the sense that they'll actively be participating, but now I can see those same blue scales on all their wrists. Drake rubs whatever liquid was in the tube on his flaccid dick and passes it to Jaeger who does the same, both gaining erections swiftly.

With a look of distaste, they take their positions, and Drake places his member into Olivia's mouth, holding steady to the sides of her face.

I feel a pain in my chest that he would try to be friendly and then come here and rape a female on command. One that obviously isn't interested in getting it in this manner, and the same goes for Jaeger even if he's been a dick. I didn't think any of them would go as far as something like this. I watch him nudge Drake out of the way to plunge his well-endowed self several times back and forth in Olivia's mouth, getting it wet.

From my vantage point I can barely hear him addressing her. It's in a familiar manner, and I wonder if they were an item as I remember her on his lap just a few days ago.

"This is all the lubricant you're going to get, so make it count. I didn't come prepared for this." His tone is gruff, as if he's forcing the words out.

His dick pulls out, coated in saliva, then he moves around behind her. Spreading her cheeks, he spits down between them while Drake resumes his spot. He holds her head tightly, and Jaeger sinks slowly but steadily into her backside despite her squealing protests. My hand covers my mouth in horror, and I nearly forget to keep the camera in position. I'll need the proof of what they're doing to report them and try to keep that thought in the forefront of my mind as I count down the minutes to getting out of here.

It doesn't take either of them long to get off. The scales on their wrists, and on the other three who watch silently with dead stares, light up to match the larger version glowing on Olivia's back. She begins to sag between them until they're all that's holding her up with Jaeger’s hands on her hips and Drake’s on her head.

The scales glow brighter as their movements culminate in a crescendo of light and they pull out, trailing their fluids from the slack orifices. Riggs steps forward with a formerly unseen blade, pulls Olivia's head back by her hair, and swipes it across her neck, resulting in a spray of red across the altar and the area under it.

Olivia slumps down, eyes staring sightlessly in death while Riggs backs away. All the men silently put their robes back on and, except for my five roommates and Drake's uncle, file into the guardhouse. I try to stay silent and not have a panic attack while furiously wiping the tears from my face. The guilt is heavy— no matter that I couldn't have known what their endgame was. The girl had been rude, but it didn't warrant this. The guys I used to be friends with are rapists and murders, and I'm living with them. Not to mention the staff is in on it, probably the entire board as well.

Drake's uncle addresses the guys nonchalantly, as if they did this kind of thing every day, and gestures at the girl's remains. "The meeting will commence inside once this is cleaned up."

He leaves my five roommates in the courtyard while he goes into the gatehouse.

With them occupied by their grisly task away from the wall, I very quietly sneak out from behind the bushes and make my way as quickly as possible back to my dorm room. As soon as I'm safely inside my room and Ash's keycard is back on his dresser, Copyright 2016 - 2024