Only One Touch (Only One #4) - Natasha Madison Page 0,63

walking to the door. She opens the door, and Laurene walks in. “What the hell is going on?” she asks, standing there in the same outfit that Lizzie wears.

“What the hell is going on?” I shout back at her, and she looks at Lizzie, unsure if she should say anything or not. “What the hell is going on?” My voice gets louder. “My whole life is in fucking ruin.”

“Can he be more dramatic?” Laurene says, looking at Lizzie who just shakes her head. Laurene looks at me, then back at Lizzie. “I need coffee,” she says, walking over to the cart without a worry in the world, yet my life is in shatters. She takes a sip of her coffee. “Now can you calm down and tell me what is going on?”

“You obviously haven’t heard the news, or seen the papers or even looked at your phone!” I shout, and I’m waiting for someone to contact the front desk about my yelling at five in the morning. I’m always in control and the fact that this is not in my control is over the top. I try not to think of the fact that I can’t talk to Becca because that just enrages me more than anything.

“I didn’t look at anything. It’s five in the morning,” she says, folding her arms over her chest, and I want to shake her.

“Well, I’ll fill you in then.” I walk over to her. “The press knows.” Her eyes go wide as she looks from me to Lizzie.

“No.” She shakes her head. “That’s impossible. We had everyone sign an NDA.” Her eyes go big. “You’re lying.”

“Do you think I would be up at five in the morning raging if I was lying?” I look at her.

She sets her coffee cup down. “We made sure that we went in there separately.” She mentions of going to the lawyer’s office. “Everything was done with extreme caution.”

“Okay,” Lizzie says, sitting down next to Laurene. “I hate to point it out that you two are well known,” she says, then looks straight at me. “You are the most eligible bachelor. Did you not think that your name would ping somewhere?” I glare at her. “It could have been anyone who saw the paper and cashed in on it.”

“So what do we do now?” Laurene asks.

“There is nothing to do now,” Lizzie says, her eyes still watching me. “You can’t come out and say it’s fake.” She’s almost reading my mind.

“Fuck no,” Laurene says, getting up. “We did all this for a reason.”

“Laurene.” I say her name, and she looks at me.

“No.” She points at me. “I am so close. You promised.”

“When I was fucking eighteen!” I shout back at her.

“I would do it for you without thinking twice!” she yells, and I know she would. “I know this isn’t what we thought was going to happen.”

“It was supposed to be ninety days and that’s it.” I rub my temples. “That is what you said. Ninety days and then we annul it.”

“It’s been one day.” She puts up one finger. “Eighty-nine more to go.”

“I need to go home.” I look at Lizzie, and she nods, getting up and grabbing her phone.

“Maybe once you’re home, you’ll calm down,” Laurene says, getting up and grabbing her coffee.

“Debatable,” Lizzie mumbles, not looking up as her fingers go nuts on her phone.

“What are we going to say to the press?” Laurene asks me.

“Nothing. Not a word. Not a comment. Nothing,” I say, not adding to the fact I’m not saying anything to anyone until I speak with Becca. Just the thought that she found out without me telling her puts pressure on my chest. I sit down and put my elbows on my knees, my head falling forward. I can’t even imagine what is going through her mind. I can’t even imagine how much it hurt her. The pressure on my chest is like an elephant sitting down right in the middle of it.

“You know if you say nothing, it will just target you more,” Lizzie says, and I swear I don’t think I’ve ever felt more defeated in my life. “They are going to hound the both of you.”

“She’s right,” Laurene says.

“I’m not saying a fucking word to the press right now.” I get up and look at Lizzie. “Not a fucking word. Not from us, not from the organization, not from the fucking queen of England. Nothing.” I get up. “You either.” I point at Laurene. “Not a word.”

“Lizzie is right,” Copyright 2016 - 2024