Only One Touch (Only One #4) - Natasha Madison Page 0,62

I see it? Why did I fall for him? Why did he break my heart?

“I don’t know him well,” he says, looking at me, “but something tells me he’s not going to stop until you hear him out.”

“Well.” I get up, looking at him. “You make sure when he does come around looking for me.” I pull my shoulders back. “Which I don’t think he will. But give him a message, will you? Tell him the contract is null and void.”

“Are you sure you really want me to give him a message?” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m not feeling friendly.”

“Well, tell him or don’t tell him,” I say as my phone pings. “Now, I have a plane to catch.”

“How pissed are you right now?” he asks, and I look at him.

“I’m beyond pissed,” I say. “But you should know that I loved him.” I don’t change it to I love him because I want to pretend I don’t. “So I’m more heartbroken than I’ve ever been. With that said, I’ll be fine.”

“Oh, I know you will,” he says. “I’m going to go and get dressed, and I’ll drive you to the plane.”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “Erika already got me a car.” I stay strong until I hear the front door slam shut. I walk to the shower, and only when I’m in the shower do the sobs rip through me. I sink to the floor, my eyes closing, and all I can see is his face. His smile, his smirk, his frown, his glare. Him.

I force myself to get up and get dressed. I force myself not to check anymore articles. I force myself to smile at the doorman who helps me with my luggage. I force myself to pretend everything is okay.

I pretend that it’s just another day, except this time it’s not. Erika is waiting for me with worry all over her face when she looks up from her phone. “Sorry for keeping you,” I say, walking to the plane with her behind me. “Good morning,” I say to the attendant waiting for us.

“We will be off in ten minutes,” Erika says from behind me, and I sit in the chair.

My phone rings again in my pocket, and I take it out, seeing his name. The lump in my throat creeps up. I decline the call, and a minute later, I get a notification that I have a voice mail. I pick up my phone with a tear leaking out of one eye. I use my thumb to catch it as I grab my bag and take out my sunglasses.

I press the voice mail tab and see that they are all from him. I click edit in the corner and slowly click on every single one. Once they are all checked, my finger goes to the delete button. With a shaky hand, I press delete, then set my phone down.

With my heart pounding in my chest, my stomach burning, and my body shaking, I see the text that appears on the screen.

Nico: You need to call me, Becca.

Nico: Please, Becca.

Nico: I’m so sorry.

Chapter 26


I dial her number again, hoping to God she just picks up the phone. When she doesn’t, I pitch my phone at the wall. “Fuck!” I roar out, putting my hands into my hair and pulling it. This is not happening, this is not happening, I repeat over and over again.

Lizzie walks into the room, wearing her pjs and a robe, pushing a room service cart. “Add get new phone to my list,” she says and I look at her. She woke me up two hours ago when the story broke. I knew right away it wasn’t good when she pounded on my door.

I’m dressed in the same thing I wore last night. I went to bed with the biggest headache of my life, and all I wanted was to call Becca, but I couldn’t. The fear crept into me, and I decided I would tell her everything in the morning. Only the world beat me to it.

“How bad is it?” I ask. She looks over at me and sits on the couch in the hotel room.

“It’s everywhere.” She looks down and then looks up. “We’ve gotten calls from everyone, and I mean everyone. They want an exclusive.”

I walk over to look out the window as my heart sinks. “How the fuck did this happen?” I snap at the same time a knock sounds on the door.

Lizzie gets up, Copyright 2016 - 2024