Only One Touch (Only One #4) - Natasha Madison Page 0,41

says softly. “Can I kiss you before I leave?”

“Would it matter if I said no?” I ask, laughing when he shakes his head. He walks to me, and I set my phone down.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, moving my hair over my shoulder. “I really wish I got here after five.”

“Is that so?” I ask him. “And what would you do if you got here after five?”

“I’d fuck you right on your desk,” he says without thinking twice. “The only thing is you’d have to keep quiet.”

I laugh. “I believe I heard you roar my name a couple of times.”

“I have to go,” he says, and I meet his lips for a kiss. I watch him leave, sitting down in my chair and letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“Did you need me for anything?” Erika says to me five minutes later. “I was going to head out to the post office.”

I look at my watch, seeing it’s just after three thirty. “Why don’t you go ahead and call it a day? Early weekend.”

“Thank you,” she says. “I also have all the travel information for you for next month.”

“God, I hate January and February,” I say.

“You say that every single year,” she says, “as soon as December starts.”

“Well then, consider me a creature of habit,” I say, and she laughs. I stay at my desk until eight, going over the travel schedule.

My phone beeps with a message.

Nico: I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

I don’t answer him that night or the next day either. I slip on my red heels when I get a call that my car is waiting. Taking one more look at my outfit, I ignore the flutters in my stomach.

The red skirt is tight around my waist and flares out. It looks like a bell skirt going to my knees. The top is what makes it sexy, a lace spaghetti strap tight top. The red heels make the whole outfit. My hair is loose and in long waves, tied to one side with a diamond pin. I grab the black shawl, walking to the car. The driver opens the door for me as soon as he sees me.

I make sure my red lipstick is on when we arrive at the address that I was given. The sound of music floats through the air from the restaurant. My door is opened by one of the valets. “Thank you,” I say to him and walk into the restaurant.

“Can I take your jacket?” A woman comes to me, and I hand her my shawl. “I’ll be back with your ticket,” she says, and I wait here until she gets back. The whole place is shut down for this event. Christmas trees are in every corner. The logo of the team is in every single place that there isn’t a Christmas decoration. Christmas carols are playing as I look around the room to see if I spot anyone that I know.

“Becca.” I hear my name and look over to see Ryder, one of the assistant coaches, coming over to me. He’s wearing a gray suit, and he kisses me on the cheek. “So nice of you to come.”

“Thank you,” I say, and then another waitress comes over with a tray full of eggnog and champagne. I grab a glass of champagne. “This is a nice spot.” I make conversation, and he smiles and looks down. I think he’s nervous, but I’m not sure.

“Hey.” I hear from beside me and turn to see Manning walking in. “You’re here,” he says, and I smile at him.

“I’m here.” I take a sip of my drink while he looks over at Ryder and nods. I look around the room to see if Nico is here. I see a couple of players that I represent. “I’m going to go say hi to Jake and Patrick,” I tell Manning. “Save me a seat beside you.”

I walk around people, smiling and then stop by Jake and kiss his cheek, and I do the same to Patrick. “Becca,” Patrick says, “you are looking beautiful as always.”

“Well, thank you,” I say. We talk about the holidays and how happy he is that his family is coming in from Canada. I’m in the middle of talking to him when I feel a hand on my back, and I turn to see Miller standing there. “Hello, you,” I say, and I turn to hug him. “You look nice.”

“Thank you,” he says, and I look over his shoulder Copyright 2016 - 2024