Only One Touch (Only One #4) - Natasha Madison Page 0,40

I hear his voice, and my head turns to see Nico walking in with Francis. They are joking about something, and he looks up, seeing me. His smile turns into a smirk. “Well, well, well,” I say, walking to them, “what do we have here?” I look at him, seeing him in a charcoal suit. The black button-down shirt hides the six-pack I know is under there. His belt locking up his best feature. His hair is pushed back, and I try not to think about how I held on to his hair or the way it felt between my legs.

“Hello,” Nico says. I don’t know why, but something gets me not to kiss his lips and wish him hello the way I want to. “Just the woman I wanted to see.” It’s been four days since I’ve seen him or spoken to him. I am not going to lie. I have been checking my phone more often than I should lately.

“Here I am?” I say to him, putting my hands in front of me instead of slipping my finger into his.

“Excuse me, you two,” Francis says. “I have a meeting in five minutes.”

I wait for Francis to step away before I look back at Nico. “Please come this way,” I say, leading him back to my office, smiling at Erika, who looks up at us. “So,” I say, walking to my desk, turning in time to see him close the door behind him.

He walks to me, his eyes going dark as he gets close to me. “Hi,” he says, putting his arm around my waist. “You look good.”

“Had I known you were coming, I would have dre—” I’m stopped when his lips land on mine. My mouth opens for his, and for the first time in four days, I feel okay. Instead of that feeling I was missing something or forgetting something, everything I need is right here. My hands go into the hair I was just thinking about. He kisses me until I’m breathless, and when he lets me go, it takes a minute for me to open my eyes.

“You look good enough to eat,” he says, and I tilt my head to the side.

“Must be the shoes,” I say about my shiny black Louboutin shoes.

“It’s the whole fucking package,” he says, grabbing my ass with one hand and pushing me into him to show me how hard he is.

“We can’t do this here,” I say, taking all my courage and stepping away from him. “This is my workplace.” I shake my head, and he just smiles. “Which means it’s off-limits for anything until after five.”

“Good to know,” he says. “But I didn’t come here for that.”

“Oh?” I ask, surprised.

“I just got back. We were on the West Coast for three days,” he says, and I want to ask if his phone works on the West Coast. I want to ask him why he didn’t call, but then again, why didn’t I call him?

“And I was your first stop,” I tease him, walking back to him. “Isn’t that sweet?”

“Yes,” he says, putting his hands in his pockets. “Actually, I came to personally invite you to the team Christmas party.”

I laugh. “The one that is tomorrow?” I ask. “In less than twenty-four hours.”

“That would be the one,” he says, and I shake my head.

“What’s the matter? Did your date cancel on you at the last minute?” I try to joke about it, but it bothers me more than I thought it would.

“I missed you,” he says softly. “And I wanted to see you.”

“I have to check my phone,” I say, walking over to my desk. And I pick it up and call him. He looks at his phone and then up at me. “Oh, so my phone works, and so does yours.”

He laughs, getting what I’m getting at. I’m expecting him to hang up, but instead, he answers it. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Smooth,” I say, my eyes never leaving his. “Very, very smooth.”

“Sorry I haven’t called you,” he says, “but I’ve been in LA for three days, and it’s been crazy.” His voice goes lower.

“I’m glad you’re back,” I say to him both on the phone and in person.

“Are you busy tomorrow?” he asks, and I shake my head. “Good. Party is at seven. I’ll send you all the details.”

“Okay,” I say.

“I have a dinner tonight, or I’d ask you to come with me.”

“I’m busy tonight,” I lie, and I can see his eyes asking me with who.

“Tomorrow it is,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024