discuss routes, Henderson knew where they were heading, so after a few hours hiding out near the railway lines he tracked them down as they set off into the woods.
A meeting had been set for 8 p.m., in the mouth of a cave that forest dwellers Didier and Jean used as an occasional hideout. Henderson took centre stage, lit dramatically by torchlight. Sitting or squatting around him were Goldberg, Paul, Marc, Luc, Sam, Jean, Didier, Rosie, Edith, Justin, Dr Blanc and her son Joseph.
The plan had been for Dr Blanc and Justin’s roles in the operation to end after the agents had arrived and taken their equipment into the forest, but Rosie invited them along because they’d witnessed what had happened at the intersection.
‘Today has been tough,’ Henderson began, deepening his voice in an attempt to instil confidence in new comrades. ‘We’ve seen how plans can go wrong. We’ve seen how the occupiers can act ruthlessly, and how our own actions can cause suffering to innocent civilians. But every one of us has put our lives on the line to be here. If we back out now, the risks and bloodshed will have all been for nowt.’
There were some enthusiastic murmurs, most notably from Jean, Didier and Justin, but Dr Blanc’s discomfort was obvious.
‘There’s no point hanging around in this business,’ Henderson continued. ‘My job is to balance risks. The presence of this unpleasant group of soldiers from Rennes and the possibility of additional security checkpoints along our planned escape route makes things more difficult than we’d hoped, but the longer we’re in this area the greater the chance that the Germans will find our equipment or unearth some aspect of our operations.
‘We also have to co-ordinate with the Ghost network in Paris, and with United States Bomber Command. So, weather permitting, we move ahead as planned on Friday evening. That gives us tomorrow and Thursday for individual briefings, plus a spot of training and final reconnaissance on the bunker site. On Friday those taking part in the mission can eat and relax during the day, so that we’re all fit and ready for our little adventure four kilometres east of here.’
Jean, Justin and Didier smirked knowingly.
‘I think you mean four kilometres west, sir,’ Rosie said, as everyone joined the laughter.
‘Ahh …’ Henderson said, glad that it was too dark to see his face redden. ‘Well, hopefully I’ll have worked out which way I’m supposed to be going by Friday.’
While Luc, Goldberg, Henderson and all but the most sensitive equipment spent a humid night in the cave, Paul, Marc and Sam shared more comfortable quarters on the floor of Joseph Blanc’s drawing room.
Wednesday’s plan was for Rosie to take Henderson and the boys on a fake hunting trip into the forest, in order to get a good look at the bunker site and its surroundings. Goldberg would stay back with Jean and Didier, giving them a brief introduction to weapons handling and espionage techniques.
But Paul’s day veered off track before he’d even rolled off the comfortable chaise he’d slept on. There was no sign of Marc, but a note in Marc’s hand had been tucked into one of Paul’s boots.
I can’t be this close and not see her. I’m going to Beauvais and I’ll be back by Friday latest. Don’t get into trouble by trying to cover for me. I’ll take my punishment but I have to see Jae.
Your friend,
Paul and Sam considered a cover-up, but there was no obvious way so Paul handed Henderson the note when Rosie and the six parachutists met up near Jean and Didier’s cow shed in the woods.
‘Who is she?’ Henderson spat.
‘Jae Morel, sir,’ Paul explained. ‘Marc’s known her all his life, but he really fell for her when he escaped from prison last year.’
Henderson glowered accusingly at Paul. ‘He must have planned this before we left. Can you honestly tell me you knew nothing about this?’
‘On my parents’ graves,’ Paul said. ‘I know how nuts Marc is about this girl. He sleeps with a lock of her hair under his pillow, but I had no idea that he was going to try something crazy like this.’
‘You liar,’ Luc said. ‘I bet I could get the truth out of Paul if you let me smack him about, Captain.’
Rosie turned towards Luc. ‘Shut up, moron. This is serious.’
‘Marc’s got authentic documentation,’ Paul said. ‘He escaped from prison camp in Frankfurt and survived on his own, so I’d think he can pull off a trip to