Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,34

the bed caught his eye, as though someone had lain there.

Could Addie…?

Impossible. Best to get his day started and stop thinking about figments of his imagination. He finger-combed his hair, which was plenty good enough, pulled on his boots, and buckled on his holster. When he went to spread up the covers, he froze. Lying there on the sheet was a faded yellow ribbon that had not been there yesterday. He lifted the pillow to his face. The scent of wild roses lingered like a sweet melody.

His little bird had come to his side. Hope sprang in his heart, where there hadn’t been much to go around. If he could stay patient, keep his temper, give her time, and earn her trust, maybe she’d soon get over this fear that had her hiding in the shadows.

Guilt swept over him. He shouldn’t have avoided her last night, but the questions about his crimes poked him hard. Shame had risen up in him, too strong to ignore. Time was supposed to heal all wounds, but being accused of rape and murder wasn’t something that he’d been able to erase from his name…or memory. And it was a story he couldn’t bring himself to tell Addie.

The thought hit him for the hundredth time that maybe he could make a trip to that small town and try to talk some sense into the young woman, get her to speak the truth. But like always, logic took hold. Going back wouldn’t change one thing. Besides the danger of such a move was too great. He’d barely escaped with his life before.

What made him think this time would be different? This time they’d hang him for sure.

No, he couldn’t go back. Even if the lady recanted, Tom Calder, the powerful rancher, would see that he swung for killing his boys. Ridge was safe here, and this was where he’d stay.

Pots and pans rattling in the kitchen told him she was up. At the bottom of the stairs, he leaned into her little room and placed her ribbon on the bench. Best to pretend he hadn’t found it.

She turned at the sound of his boots, a cup of coffee in her hand. No smile for him, but no frown either. Miss Kitty groomed herself by the warmth of the stove while Squeakers tried its hardest to grab dust motes. His heart thudded, surprising him. Home wasn’t just the place where a man laid his head. It was a feeling. It was where his heart found heaven. This was home. The only place he wanted to be.

Ridge took the coffee. “Thanks. I hope you slept well.” He pulled out a chair. “Bacon sure smells good.”

Addie handed him a piece of paper, then went back to watching the skillet.

The note read: “I can’t stand being this way. I want to talk to the doctor about my problem. Will you come?”

Happiness surged in his chest. This was the first outward sign he’d had that she wanted to make changes.

“Yes, of course. I need to collect Bodie anyway.”

When she didn’t turn around, he rose and stood behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “Together we can whip any problem. If anyone can help you get a handle on this, it’s Dr. Mary. She’s one of the wisest people I know.” Not only about medicine but life in general. The doctor mended both body and soul. “I haven’t said this before, but I’m proud of you, Addie.”

She turned and studied him, her mouth moving. He could see her trying to form words, then her face betraying her disgust when she couldn’t.

“It’s all right. We’ll get there,” he said softly.

Impulsively, before she could turn or back away, Ridge covered her lips with his as though he did it each morning.

Addie stiffened for a heartbeat then relaxed. Though he sensed she wanted to run, she stood in place and rested a light palm on his chest. That was a start.

The kiss was light, yet full of tender yearning. Very slowly, she curved her lips and returned the token of affection. The heady taste of her overloaded his senses and made him happy to be alive. One day, he’d make her glad she’d tied her lot to his. For now, though, light and easy was best.

He released her, and instead of hurrying away, she gave him a trembly smile and cupped the side of his face for a long moment, staring into his eyes.

He didn’t move, didn’t breathe, didn’t dare blink. Time ceased until

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