Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,16

know if love existed for her, or even what it would look like if it did. If it was what her mother and father had, she didn’t want it. They lived bitter, rigid, judgmental lives. She’d do without that and live in silence before turning into them.

Although fear tried to take root, she pushed it away. An inner voice told her to take heart and trust that this marriage would work out. Until she had reason to think otherwise.

* * *

The sun was welcome on Adeline’s face and helped melt the ice inside her as she stood on the bluff next to Ridge. Panic set her heart pounding. Whether this decision was right or wrong, it was too late to change her mind. All that remained now was to make the best of it.

Her groom looked resplendent in a white shirt and dark frock coat. He’d left his twin Colts off. He’d told her a gun was necessary here, but he hoped with the coming changes, he would have to wear it less and less. She prayed for that. Guns terrified her, and she wanted to throw them all into a fire and melt them.

Ridge shifted and glanced down at her. “You’re a beautiful angel, Adeline. Green looks real good on you.” His voice was low and rough, and he winked. “Don’t worry. I’ll watch over you, trust me on that.”

Trust. There was that word again. She trusted few people.

She stared at him for a moment before sliding her palm into his hand, and warmth flowed into her. Her fingers curled as though they’d found a refuge. Slowly, she relaxed and focused on the minister’s words. The Lord’s Prayer—the devotion that had seen her through the darkest days and given her hope—faded into the background. For now, she was safe in her new home and she gave thanks.

As Brother Paul moved into the wedding vows, she nodded in all the appropriate places. Ridge spoke his clear answers in a ringing voice, as only men trained in preaching the Good Word were wont to do. Maybe in time, he could find his way back. If that’s what he wanted.

She’d learned a long time ago that a church was only a building. It was the spirit inside that either made it a holy place or a rigid prison. Hers had been the latter.

The ring Ridge pulled from a pocket surprised her. Where she came from, no one was allowed to wear jewelry of any kind. It was a simple silver band, and though she knew better than most how fleeting happiness was, she felt cherished when he slipped it on her finger.

If he could show her kindness, she’d not ask for anything else.

“This is a forever marriage, pretty lady. You and I,” he whispered.

The solemn words startled her. All her life she’d yearned to belong to someone kind who wanted her. Someone who would stand with her to watch each sunrise and sunset, who listened to her wants. Ridge Steele did appear to be this kind of person. The tenderness he’d shown her so far brought tears to her eyes. But had she been locked away too long to recall how deceitful men could be? If Ridge Steele kept the promises he’d made, she’d not ask for anything more from him except time to heal and mend her broken spirit.

“You may now kiss the bride.” Brother Paul closed his Bible.

Ridge lowered his head and lightly pressed his lips to hers, sealing the vows. Adeline let her eyes drift shut and soaked up the new sensations. If Ridge never kissed her again, she’d have this one to remember.

Her mother’s admonishment sounded in her head. Once you’re married, your husband owns you. Remember that, girl.

Ridge released her and she studied his amber eyes. Vows or no vows, if he turned out to be cruel, she’d leave and never look back.

She was done with being owned.


A celebration commenced directly following the noon wedding, complete with music, dancing, and tables laden with food. Ridge kept an eye on Adeline, making sure she wasn’t alone for too long. The womenfolk had included her in their circle with lots of laughter and talking, but when he saw her looking around for him, he pushed away from the post where the men had gathered and went to her.

He offered his hand. “Mrs. Steele, I believe you owe me a dance.”

She glanced up with relief and stood. Then before she could take a step, panic darkened her eyes, and she

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