Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,15

a very long time since she’d had a reason to be lighthearted, even for a second, and it felt darn good.

Her thoughts turned to Ridge, and memories of the previous night whirled in her mind. How strong and tender he’d been when he’d picked her up and carried her from the smoldering hotel room, and again at the house, across the mud puddles. The rain-scented land—fresh, clean—had clung to his clothes. It had been so very long since she’d smelled rain hitting the baked earth, the air giving off a hint of gingerbread. Yes, that was the fragrance she’d been trying to think of.

Memories stirred again of home, of her classroom, the students she’d taught. And of that fateful night when everything had gone horribly wrong.

So much blood.

Frantic cries for help. Pounding on her door.

Rough hands grabbing her afterward, horrible accusations—the judge’s sentence of three years in solitary confinement.

Her life stripped away. Everything gone, replaced with cold concrete.

The door rattled. She jumped, but relaxed when she saw it was only Josie coming in with a few of the women from town. As Josie made the introductions, Adeline watched their eyes, but never once saw them glance down or look away in discomfort. Each took her hand and welcomed her.

She especially liked Tally and Nora. They didn’t seem to notice her silence, and she thought maybe there could be some friendship budding there. Maybe that’s what Ridge meant when he’d written that everyone in Hope’s Crossing had a past and no one acted better than anyone else. She was going to like it here very much.

A section of one of Ridge’s letters popped into her head.

I have great plans for us, my dear Adeline. We can be a part of something lasting here that will stand for generations. Texas is changing, this land is changing, and I want to change with it. My way of life is fast disappearing, and that scares me, but we can have a bright future if we learn to adapt and grow. Take this journey with me, and maybe we can find what we both seek.

She loved the hope and courage of his dream. That was what had sold her on this crazy idea.

Now, in Tally’s home, everyone was talking and laughing. Josie put an arm around Tally and spoke of old times. Oh, how Adeline wished to join in. To be normal. But she wasn’t. Maybe she would be eventually. It frightened her to think that this paralysis might last the remainder of her life. She didn’t want to live this way.

“Oh my goodness, look at the time! We’ve got to get you ready.” Josie pulled Nora over to Adeline. “You fix hair so beautifully. Do you mind arranging her hair while we get the dress out?”

“I think you have me confused with Rebel.” Nora laughed. “That woman is the best I’ve ever seen. But since she’s not here, I’ll try my hand.”

“You’re a dear. Where is Rebel?” Josie picked up the white box and moved it to the bed.

Tally tucked a strand of her red hair back into the low knot on her neck. “That’s right, you don’t know. Rebel and Travis had a baby boy a while back, and he’s not feeling well.”

Josie’s smile stretched. “That’s wonderful news. I know how much she wanted another child. What did they name him?”


“I love that.” Josie pulled the wedding dress from the box.

Adeline felt as though she stood in the middle of a swirling tornado with chaos all around. The small room couldn’t hold all the ladies and the talk both. They meant well, though, and despite the noise, she was truly grateful for the help.

Two hours later, she stood before a mirror and did not recognize the woman staring back. The spring-green dress was gorgeous in its simplicity. Someone—Tally, she thought—called it “understated elegance.” The scooped neckline wasn’t low, yet it showed off the long curve of her neck. Nora had brushed her blond tresses until they shone and worked magic in arranging them in loose curls that cascaded like a waterfall from the crown of her head.

Never had she considered herself anything but homely. Yet she found the word fetching coming to mind now.

She turned to her new friends, blinking back tears, and took their hands. No words were needed. They understood and hugged her.

“Now go and marry that handsome man of yours.” Josie wiped her eyes. “In no time, he’ll be the love of your life.”

Adeline didn’t know about that. She didn’t

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