Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,130

running loose.”

“I believe things work out the way they’re supposed to.” Ridge tucked a loose hair behind her ear. “I think I love you more every day.”

“Ridge, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to make love, but I promise it won’t always be this way.”

“I can wait. We have our whole lives in front of us.” He glanced at Nico, and his features grew wistful. “I’m disappointed that he won’t live with us, but one day we’ll have our own son. I’m sure of that.”

Addie met the love in his eyes and threaded her fingers through his. “Me too.”


“Ridge, could this day have gotten any better?” Addie sat next to him on the sofa after the supper dishes were washed, and he handed her the bag of knitting.

Bodie ambled in and stretched out on the floor. Ridge loved this time of the evening, when work was done, eating over, and his little family was together and safe.

“It was sure one of surprises.” He couldn’t have made it turn out any finer if he’d tried. “I’m glad to see your mother happy and little Nico with a home.”

“Me too. Life is strange, and so often it makes you wait for what you really want.” Addie’s knitting needles clicked as she worked.

Bodie sat up. “That’s the way it was today with me when I went fishing. We couldn’t even catch bad breath—everything went wrong. Sawyer and Henry wanted to leave, but I said I was staying. We kept fishing and began to get nibbles. After a while, we were pulling ’em out faster than we could bait the hook. Never saw anything like it.”

“Things like that don’t come around often.” Ridge toyed with the ends of Addie’s hair. He’d come so close to losing her, the only thing in his life that gave it meaning.

His thoughts drifted to Shiloh and her confession, wondering if she’d found what she was looking for on her trip west. Wondering what the Mobeetie judge would do once he read the papers. His future happiness hung in the balance.

“You seem quiet, Ridge,” Addie murmured.

“Have a lot on my mind, I guess. Nothing to worry you about.”

They lapsed into silence, and in the quiet, the ticking of the clock on the mantel sounded like a hammer striking a nail.

Addie laid her knitting in her lap. “Dear, would you read some more of Oliver Twist to us? We should be close to the end.”

“Just a few chapters. Son, would you hand it to me?”

Bodie reached for the book, and Ridge opened to the marked page. As he started reading, Addie resumed her knitting, and a comfortable feeling settled over him. Like wearing an old pair of boots that conformed to the shape of his feet. The three of them had adjusted to life as a family and had nowhere else to be.

An unexpected knock on the door jarred Ridge. He laid the book aside.

Addie’s knitting needles froze. “I wonder who’d be out this time of night?”

“I guess we’ll soon find out.” Ridge stood, his twin Colts within easy reach, and went to the entryway. He opened the door to find Jack on the porch.

“Sorry to call so late.” Jack pulled a letter from the inside of his vest. “The late stage brought this, and I thought you’d want to see it.”

“Come in.” Ridge noted Judge Horace Greely’s name on the left corner of the envelope. Uneasiness twisted in his stomach. Hanging Horace. Folks claimed he had no heart.

“Thank you. I would like to know what it says.” Jack removed his hat and stepped inside.

Addie came from the parlor. “What is it, Ridge?”

“A letter. Jack, come on in here while I read it.”

“Evening, Addie.” Jack gave her a nod and followed, holding his hat.

“Have a seat.” Addie picked up her knitting and moved her bag to the floor. “Nora and the kids all right?”

“Yes, ma’am. They’re doing real good.” Jack dropped onto the sofa.

Addie, Jack, and Bodie talked about the events of the day while Ridge opened the envelope and silently read. Worry twisted a path through him. This was his chance. But not without risk.

He glanced up to find three sets of eyes staring back. “I have to appear before Judge Greely in Mobeetie in four days. He’ll deliver his verdict then.”

“That’s good, isn’t it?” Addie asked.

“Not entirely.”

“What do you mean, Ridge?”

Jack got to his feet. “If Greely throws out Shiloh’s statement or doesn’t like what Ridge has to say, Ridge can be arrested on the spot.”

“But…that’s not fair,”

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