Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,129

with a grin. “Nico.” His face serious, he pointed to himself.

“My sisters are going to love spoiling him.” Addie wasn’t sure how her mother would take the boy though. Time would show that. “I’m going to let you rest a bit, dear friend. I’ll be back.”

“Don’t cry…for me. Live your l—life.”

Zelda had fallen back asleep before Addie and Nico left the room. Some bit of knowing inside her said the passing was measured in breaths. Tears ran down her cheeks. Ridge rose from the kitchen table where he sat with Ben and took her in his arms. They needed no words, just strength, which they took from each other.

They laid Zelda to rest under a large oak tree two days later. Ridge read a few words from the Bible, then they loaded up and left for home, Nico never far from Ridge.

A week later, they pulled up to the house. Bodie ran to meet them. “I’m glad you’re back. It’s still here.”

“I had hoped, for your sake, it would be.” Ridge climbed down, then reached up for Nico and made the introductions.

It didn’t take but a second for Bodie to take the boy under his wing and show him around the place. Addie grinned and took Ridge’s hand. “Well, it looks like we have us a babysitter.”

“Yes, it does.”

The kitchen screen door slammed, and her mother came from the house, followed by Addie’s three sisters. “I thought I heard voices.”

“We’re back.” Addie hugged her mother, then called Bodie over. “Mama, this is Jane Ann’s son, Nico, short for Nicolas. He’s the one I went to prison for, and I’d do it again.”

Ingrid seemed to struggle for words as she smoothed Nico’s fine blond hair. “He’s such a sweet boy.” Her mother tried to smile in what appeared an attempt to hide her warring emotions, probably very unsure of her role in this child’s life. “What are your plans for him?”

Nico climbed into Ingrid’s arms to show her the rock in his palm.

“Ridge and I will raise him, of course. He’s my flesh and blood.”

“I always wanted my own little boy, but I missed out on that.” Ingrid lifted tear-filled eyes. “I loved his mother. She was like a daughter to me.” Addie’s sisters crowded around, touching Nico and making a fuss over him.

“Mama?” Nico asked.

Ingrid was visibly shaken. “Yes, honey. She would’ve loved you and cherished every minute raising you.” Ingrid swung to Addie. “Could we talk in private for a moment?”

“Sure, Mama.” They transferred Nico to Ridge and found privacy. Addie put a bolstering arm around her mother. “What is it?”

Ingrid’s chin quivered, and she bit her lip. “What if…what if I take him?”

“Would you want to take on that responsibility?” Ingrid was just starting life over in a new place, with a job that was by no means secure. But Addie could see what it meant to her mother, and she and Ridge would be near to help.

“It’ll be my way of making amends for what Ezekiel did. I already love Nico. He’s such a precious boy.”

Addie glanced at Nico in Ridge’s arms. “That he is.”

“Then it’s settled?”

“Sure. The girls are going to spoil him rotten.” Addie could already see it now. Remy would carry him around like her personal rag doll. Between her—their—three sisters, Nico would forget what his feet were for. “I think your life is about to get upended.”

They returned to announce the decision, and Nico smiled for the first time that day. It was as if he knew that he’d found his place to belong.

Addie turned her attention to her sisters and sniffed back tears. “I’m so happy we can be together again. Come here.” She enveloped each in a big hug. “We’re going to have a great time.”

Thirteen-year-old Remy clung to her. “I missed you, Addie. I was so scared.”

“That makes two of us.” Addie tucked Remy’s reddish-brown hair behind her ear. “From now on, no more fear. Only happy smiles.” Ridge slid his hand in hers, and she turned with a loving glance.

“Are you okay with Ingrid taking Nico?” Ridge drew his fingertips across the underside of her wrist. “It must’ve been hard seeing the child you were ready to give your life for.”

She inhaled a shaky breath. “I keep picturing Jane Ann’s face as it was that night. Her panic when she realized she was going to die. But I’ll be all right. It’s just going to take me a little while. I’m so glad Nico didn’t come while Ezekiel was

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