Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,102

you, but you won’t be there.” She shivered and forced a smile, linking her arm through his. “Let’s forget all that and enjoy ourselves.”

“Absolutely. Plus, I have to keep an eye on Bodie. The mood he’s in, he might get into trouble either with Clay or the other boys.”

“Oh dear, I sure hope not.”

Heads turned when they walked in, and Ridge knew they weren’t looking at him. Addie really was a vision in red. They’d barely taken three steps before people came over to chat and congratulate his beautiful wife on the decorations. He finally left her to the women and joined Clay, Jack, and Tait over by the wall.

“How’s it going, hermanos?” Ridge glanced around for Bodie and relaxed when he saw him talking to Henry Truman and Tait’s twin nephews.

Tait plucked a piece of straw from a hay bale and stuck it in his mouth. “Between keeping an eye on Melanie, making sure Joe and Jesse are staying out of trouble and Becky isn’t into something, I’m as good as a man can hope for. Those twins can run a man ragged, and I’m doing double duty with Mel out of commission.”

Jack laughed. “Stop griping. You’ve got no more than the rest of us. Just think, three years ago, we were all bachelors with no wives or kids. How times have changed.”

“Then Tally showed up with Violet and started the ball rolling.” Clay reached into a pocket for his cigarette makings and tapped a straight line of tobacco onto the paper. “The town is big enough now that we need to put up a population sign.”

Tait pulled a flask of whiskey from inside his coat, took a swig, and passed it.

“Not a bad idea.” Ridge took a sip from the flask and handed it to Jack. “We also need to open up the back entrance and soon.”

“I’ve had that on my mind too and think it’s something we need to address again.” Clay rolled the cigarette, lit it, and took a drag. “It’s past due.”

“More and more folks arrive every day, and I’m selling land left and right. Business is booming.” Nothing scared Ridge more than success, because with it eventually came failure. He was used to having nothing and doing without. That was safe. Comfortable. He wasn’t cut out to be a rich man with all new problems.

The new banker strolled in wearing a deep-blue dress, and Ridge almost swallowed his teeth. Addie had been right about Charlotte’s newfound confidence. Tonight she was drawing men’s glances like honey drew flies and would have her pick of partners to dance with. She joined the women, and Addie immediately struck up a conversation with her.

“We’ll have the time now that the house rebuilding is done. I’ll call a town meeting Monday.” Jack glanced around. Just then, Dallas Hawk and his three-piece band launched into the first waltz, and he wandered off to find Nora.

Ridge went to Addie and held out his hand. “Let’s make a memory, Mrs. Steele.”

“I’ve been as impatient as Bodie.” Her face glowed with love and happiness. “One more memory added to the hundreds I already have won’t hurt.”

“Nope, not one bit.” His arm encircled her as she moved against him, her body warm and face flushed. Her movements were sure and confident as he swung her out into the throng of dancers. “You’ve been practicing.”

“Trying.” She grinned up at him. “I’ve been doing some practicing when I go riding lately.”

“Don’t tell me King was your partner?”

She laughed. “He’s not that good, but I bet he’d try if he could stand on two legs long enough.” She got serious, and desire deepened the green of her eyes, giving her voice a throaty sound. “You changed my life, Ridge.”

“No, I can’t take credit for that. All I did was offer you a safe place to live while you got stronger. Everything was already in place inside you. You just had to find it.”

They lapsed into silence, Ridge soaking up the feel of his beautiful wife and the way her body molded to his. Every dip and sway and swirl was like a match to dry tinder and a resulting flame.

With one hand on her waist and the fragrance of wild roses teasing him, he guided her around the floor in wide, sweeping circles. She lost step a time or two but quickly recovered.

Dancing, like life, was all about learning the steps, making sure to avoid any obstacles, and not stepping in a pile of manure. He was

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