Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,101

do women have to take so long? We just throw on our clothes and comb our hair, and we’re done.”

“Son, you have a lot to learn about women. They have a lot more to do than you and me, and one day you’re going to appreciate the pains they take. Sit down and quit pacing.”

Bodie perched on the arm of the chair. “What time is it? Do you think we’ll be late?”

“Stop. No, we won’t be late.” Ridge knocked cat hair off his black trousers and ran a finger between his neck and collar to loosen it. “One thing I have to warn you about. Violet will be dancing with Sawyer too, and maybe Henry Truman. She can dance with whoever she likes. There will be no fighting. None. I hear about any, and I’ll have to hold back your pay. Understand?”

“I won’t fight. I promise.”

Footsteps sounded upstairs at last. Ridge pulled himself to his feet and went into the entry. He gazed up, and all of sudden his throat closed, and he couldn’t speak.

Addie floated down the stairs in a red dress that whispered like silk with each step. She’d left her hair down like he preferred, and the golden mass of curls cascaded over the tiny bit of fabric covering her shoulders and spilled down her back.

How was he going to get through this night? Talk about Bodie fighting for his girl, it was Ridge who’d have trouble. He’d probably knock out anyone who dared ask Addie to dance.

She slid her foot onto the bottom step. “Cat got your tongue?”

“Something sure did. You’re beyond my wildest dreams.” He kissed one delectable shoulder.

Bodie came from the parlor and whistled. “You’re really pretty, Addie.”

“Thanks, Bodie.” Addie straightened the collar of his shirt. “You look very handsome.”

The kid ducked his head. “Aww, I’m just my same old me.”

Ridge reached for the new Stetson he’d bought to replace the one he’d lost in the tornado. “Ready?”

“Just a moment more. I want to get a good look at you. I do think I’ll be the luckiest woman at the dance.” She gazed up at him, her palms resting against his black frock coat. The fragrance of wild roses circled around him. “You’re the only man for me, Ridge Steele. The only one who knows the way to my heart. The only husband I will ever need.”

The shimmering in her eyes, the way the avowal slid off her tongue, weakened his knees.

His chest about to burst with deep longing for a bed, he lowered his head for a kiss instead. He’d meant to keep it short, but the moment his lips touched hers, they were like soldered steel, held together by a fire that burned within.

Behind them, Bodie mumbled and scuffed his feet, breaking them apart.

“Let’s go before Bodie has a conniption.” Ridge settled his black hat on his head and handed Addie her shawl.

The full September moon bathed everything in silver, a light breeze blowing. The darkness wrapped around them like a lover’s arms, whispering secrets and hope.

People had already started arriving, and the musicians were warming up by the time Ridge maneuvered the wagon into a spot near the barn. Bodie leaped out before Ridge set the brake and went off looking for Violet. Ridge prayed the kid wouldn’t get his heart broken, but his interest in Violet was all part of growing up. He’d have to discover for himself that life didn’t play favorites, and both the good and the bad were for keeps.

Sometimes if a man got real lucky, he found a second chance.

He lifted Addie down from the wagon and held her against him for a long moment, savoring the feel of her body, her wild heartbeat, the way her breath fluttered against his face like angel wings.

She met his gaze. “Ridge, will we still have this sizzling connection when we’re old and doddering?”

“I can’t speak for you, but I’ll feel the same way until I die.” He brushed her cheek with the pad of his thumb. Lanterns hanging outside the barn made her eyes shimmer like green diamonds. His voice was husky. “I’m afraid to blink, or you’ll disappear.”

Addie cast a nervous glance around. “If I do vanish, will you come looking for me?”

He placed his mouth at her ear. “Better believe it, lady. No one had better try taking you away from me.”

“I’m glad. I live with the fear that this will all end one day, that I’ll wake up in a strange place. I’ll look for

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