O Night Divine A Holiday Collection of Spirited Christmas Tales - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,219

a wave.

“Why, ’tis Isabella and her new husband, Edmund,” Alex remarked. “Come,” he said, taking her hand and drawing her to the carriage. Isabella had once been Anna’s dear friend and then she had heard nothing of Alex’s sister for almost two years. It was as though she had disappeared. Anna did not think she could stomach any more surprises now, but it would be rude not to greet them.

“Anna!” Isabella exclaimed as she alighted and greeted her. “It has been so long. A great deal has happened, you must have heard.” She looked around, as though just realizing this was Anna’s home.

“It would seem we all have a great deal to discuss,” the duke said. “Would you care to join us at Hartmere for dinner? Lucy is welcome, of course.”

Anna opened her mouth to refuse. She could hardly revert to being a grand lady in a couple of hours.

“I do not think that is wise, although I appreciate the offer, Your Grace.” She turned to Isabella. “It was lovely to see you again. Good day.” Dipping a curtsy, she took Lucy’s hand and walked away.

Chapter Three

Alex watched Anna leave and could have cursed Isabella’s and Edmund’s timing, however happy he was to see them.

“What has happened, Alex? Why does Anna live here?

“She is now widowed and, according to Mrs. Milton, did not wish to entertain the attentions of the new baron,” he answered quietly.

“Oh… oh.” She frowned with understanding. “Should I go and speak with her? Perhaps she does not know of my troubles; perhaps she thinks I abandoned her. She seemed a little cool, as if disaffected in some way…”

“Maybe she was embarrassed,” Edmund, his brother-in-law, put in quietly from the traveling chariot behind her.

“Yes, that must be it… but what are you doing here, Alex?” Isabella’s shrewd gaze narrowed on him.

“I was delivering a Christmas basket and taking her daughter for a drive. I befriended Lucy in the village, before I knew whose child she was.”

“I wish she would come to dinner,” Isabella said, looking towards the small cottage.

“Let it rest for now. Perhaps she will change her mind. I will send over a carriage and a note later this afternoon.”

“Have you not considered she may not possess a gown suitable for the occasion?” Edmund’s calm insight spoke volumes for his compassion and vicarial calling. A small silence fell between the siblings as they absorbed this possibility.

Once back in his study, Alex sat at his desk, poring over what he should say. There was nothing really to compel her to come, he thought as he stared at the blank sheet, especially if Edmund were correct. He realized he still cared for Anna, but he did not wish to act on such feelings yet, not when he was uncertain what was best to do. If he paid her marked attention, then it was as good as a declaration or her reputation would be in shreds. Small villages had long memories and he could not toy with her affections after their past… he put the pen back in the standish and decided he would have Isabella write the letter. He had already been more forward than he ought.

“May I help?” Edmund asked from the open doorway. At his side stood the little boy, Johnny, who had played a part in rescuing Isabella from a terrible fate. Edmund and Isabella had recently adopted him. “Mrs. Milton said she was bringing a tea tray in for us. We can go elsewhere if you wish.”

“Not at all. Please join me,” Alex said, grateful for a break from his task. “I was trying to pen a letter to Lady Lynley to convince her and Lucy to come to dinner.”

“Who is Lucy?” Johnny asked with interest.

“A young lady, perhaps a few years younger than yourself.”

Johnny frowned, as though that was not very interesting.

“She loves horses, and to ride, but after her father died, they could not afford to keep them any longer. She also has a lame leg and very likely could use a friend.”

“I could be her friend and show her all about horses.” Johnny beamed.

“Perhaps you would like to invite her here to see them?” Alex asked, exchanging a mischievous look with Edmund. “Do you know how to write a proper letter?”

“Yes, sir! Papa has been teaching me.” Alex rose and moved from his chair, indicating Johnny should take his place. “I will add a note to yours when you are finished.”

Johnny bit his lower lip and set to his task. Alex

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