O Night Divine A Holiday Collection of Spirited Christmas Tales - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,218

been upstairs. “Thank you,” she whispered unsteadily.

“It was my pleasure. Believe it or not, chopping wood can be therapeutic.” Their eyes met, and she saw a hint of the old Alex’s devilish charm and a half smile. Her heart lurched, but she looked away. She could not bear to open herself to his rejection again.

He gathered his coat and began to roll down his shirt-sleeves to make himself presentable again. It was hard to avert her eyes from his bare, sinewy arms. She swallowed hard and scolded herself. He greeted Lucy and struck up a conversation with her as if there were nothing extraordinary about him being there with them, while she herself felt as though her world had been turned upside down.

“Will you not come too, Mama?” Lucy asked, causing Anna to start.

“I beg your pardon?” She forced herself to hear what her daughter was saying.

“His Grace brought his curricle so all of us may go. We would not all fit upon Midnight, but you may join us. Isn’t that grand?”

“I must finish this gown for Mrs. Tate,” Anna remarked, feeling her cheeks warm although she did not meet Alex’s eyes. She could hardly hide their reduced circumstances. “Besides, His Grace came for you, Lucy.”

He was watching her, she could feel it. Her eyes strayed to his despite her mind telling them to behave.

“You work too hard, Mama,” Lucy said into the silence as Alex caught and held Anna’s gaze. “You deserve a treat, too.”

“I agree with Lucy. You must come with us.”

“See, Mama? You cannot refuse a duke.”

Anna found herself being draped in her cloak and ushered out to the conveyance. He handed Lucy up first and then she felt him close behind her. He was going to touch her. She could sense him hesitate. Was this situation affecting him the same way? Or was he merely remembering what they had had before? How could a simple hand on her back heat her whole person? But it did. She tried not to hesitate as she put her hand in his.

Quickly, she climbed up and released him. Thank God Lucy was in between them or, Anna reflected, she was likely to melt into a puddle of nerves on the spot.

Alex unhooked the reins from the post and climbed in. She watched as he managed the ribbons and even allowed Lucy to hold them with him. It was too much, too fast.

Thankfully, he drove away from the village. She had not considered how their being seen together would cause gossip, and it would. The new baron would use it against her.

They drove back to the gates of Hartmere. “I thought we would tour the estate, if you do not mind. When we reach the open fields, I will let you have a turn with the ribbons.”

Lucy beamed up at him.

“I had a son about your age and he loved to drive.”

“Did you lose your son?” Lucy asked.

“I did. I miss him very much.” Alex answered with commendable calm.

“I lost my papa. I miss him, too.”

Anna swallowed the lump in her throat and looked out over the rolling hills and expanses of forest while Alex chatted with Lucy and taught her to drive. Perhaps Anna needed to find another husband who could be a father to Lucy, but she did not know if she could marry again. Jeffrey had been kind and patient with her, but he was so much older that she had seen him more as a father than a lover.

Lucy was allowed her turn, although Alex was watchful, prepared to assist at any moment. Her daughter concentrated fiercely, receiving praise from the duke. As they reached the gates of Hartmere and the road was drawing to a close, Anna knew she could not do this again. When they arrived at the cottage, she was quicker this time and climbed down before Alex could reach her. He brought Lucy to her side.

“Go on inside and wash your hands so you may help me with the baking,” Anna said to her daughter.

“Thank you for the drive and for the wood and for the basket, Your Grace,” Lucy said, the words bubbling forth as she bobbed a curtsy.

“It was my pleasure,” he answered.

“Indeed, we thank you for the gifts and the excursion,” Anna affirmed.

Alex inclined his head, yet did not look at her for they both turned as a grand carriage rolled by. It drove a little past and then stopped. A face appeared in the window and a hand gave

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