Now That I've Found You - Kristina Forest Page 0,40

shirt. “Yeah, I guess so.” He walks to the door and opens it with a flourish. “Ladies, ladies,” he says, but the only person standing on the other side of the door is Adrian.

“The next band needs the greenroom,” Adrian barks. “Time to scram. And remember what I said: If I catch any of you drinking alcohol, I’m throwing you out myself.”

“Everyone except me, right, big cuz?” Raf says, leaning close.

Adrian snorts and puts his hand over Raf’s face, pushing it away. “Especially you.”

“Hey, Adrian,” Ben says, his brown cheeks reddening a little.

“What’s up, Ben?” Adrian’s tough exterior softens somewhat, but he frowns again as Milo and I pass him, bringing up the rear.

The rest of the group grabs a table at the back of the bar, but I tug on Milo’s arm to stop him from walking.

“I need your house keys,” I say. “I’m locked out.”

He fumbles around in his back pocket and drops his keys into my open palm. He starts talking, but I can’t hear him over the music. I shake my head and point to the DJ, who’s playing between bands. Milo leans down and says close to my ear, “The silver key is for the top lock, gold is for the bottom. What’s with the envelope?”

Feeling his breath on my neck makes me shiver, but I try to cover it up. “Something for Gigi. Do you know how to get in touch with Esther?”

“Esther?” He takes a step forward and turns his ear toward my face so that he can hear me better. “Why do you need to talk to her?”

“Because Candice thinks Esther might know where Gigi is,” I say. “I need to see her.”

“I know where Esther lives.”

“That’s great! Can you give me her address?”

“Well, I don’t know her address,” he says, frowning. “I just know how to get to her house and what street she lives on. I have a good sense of direction. I can take you.”

“I don’t need you to take me,” I say, annoyed. Does he think I’m incapable of going by myself? “Just tell me where it is.”

“Why is it so hard for you to accept my help?” he suddenly grumbles, shocking me into silence. I realize how even-tempered he usually is now that something is clearly bothering him. “Sorry,” he quickly adds. “I’m just mad because this exec from Vivid Music Group was supposed to come see us tonight, but he never showed. And then my parents called…” He abruptly stops and shakes his head. “It’s just a lot.” He blows out a heavy breath. “Have you ever loved something so much you’d give up anything to do it?”

The conversation has taken a turn, but I nod, thinking about how I love acting. Thinking about the choices I’ve made to save my career.

“That’s how I feel about music,” he says, glancing back at the empty stage. “I have to do what I can to see this through. I can’t believe the A&R guy never showed.”

“I’m sorry,” I hear myself say. I’ve been where he is, deep in the pits of disappointment. It’s the worst. Mostly because I don’t want to argue anymore and I feel bad for him, I say, “So will you show me where Esther lives tomorrow morning?”

He nods, eyes still on the stage, watching as the next band arrives. When the lead singer speaks into the mic, there’s a loud burst of feedback. I wince and cover my ears, and Milo does the same.

“I’m really surprised you came tonight,” he says, turning to me and speaking directly in my ear over the noise. “Were you here the whole time?”

Him being so close is a little too much. If I don’t move right now, I might be tempted to stay by his side for the rest of the night.

“Yeah, I was. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I start to push my way toward the door, but Milo is right behind me.

“I’ll walk you out,” he says, maneuvering in front of me so that he can clear a path. I don’t argue. I mean, what’s the point of having such broad shoulders if you can’t use them to move people out of your way? Stop thinking about his shoulders, Evie.

Apparently, broad shoulders aren’t enough to stop Raf.

“Whoa, whoa, leaving already?” he asks. He definitely did not listen to Adrian’s strict no-drinking rule, because he’s already buzzed. He looks back and forth between Milo and me and wiggles his eyebrows. “Going on another non-date?”

“You need some water,” Milo Copyright 2016 - 2024