Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,82

do? I never had kids. I wanted 4. An entire house full of them running around. Little auburn haired boys with hazel eyes. My little Chance’s.

It’s funny how I didn’t want them when I first started dating Chance. Now that I know he was my forever, I can’t stop thinking about how much I wanted them.

Life seems to always be playing some sick joke on me. My eternal happiness is right at my finger tips and then it’s gone. Over and over again. Maybe it’s good I didn’t bring babies into the world. I wouldn’t want to pass my luck on to them.

When I feel something touch my wrist, it’s safe to say I freak the hell out. I look around my prison of nothing but darkness though it’s useless. I can’t see a thing. Something that feels close to arms go under my head and legs pulling me up. Am I finally being moved from limbo? Will I go to heaven or hell? Will I be reborn?

Then I am moving. I still can’t see a thing but it feels like something is walking with me in its arms. I am finally being set free.


When I open my eyes there is so much light. It blinds me and I have to blink several times before I can even keep them open. “Where am I?” I ask on a croak.

A shadow stops in front of my face blocking out the light. I can’t make out any features but it seems to be holding something. “You’re safe sweetie.” says a nice grandmotherly voice.

“Grammy? Am I in heaven?” I feel tears start to fall down my face but I can’t muster the energy to raise my arms and wipe away the tears.

“No dear. Just a nurse at the hospital.” She pats my arm before moving away. The lights are back on full force causing me to wince.

“Huh?” I ask turning my head the way I think she moved in.

She walks back towards me, blocking out the light again. I sigh in relief. “You were shot in the leg. The bullet nicked your femoral artery. You would have bled out but you had a blood clot and it saved your life. Well that and the nice hunter who found you.” She pats my shoulder this time and moves away from me again.

I’m fucking alive! Are you kidding me right now? Somewhere, somehow I’m not dead. Maybe my luck decided to change. Though something doesn’t seem right. Where is everybody? Chance. My mom. Dad. Marley. Hell even Declan, Teagan, and Caden. “Where are my family?”

“We have been waiting for you to wake up to tell us that. There are no missing person’s reports for a woman your age and you didn’t have any identification on your persons,” says a male voice.

“My name is Norma Jean Davis. I’m 22 and I’m from Duke, Arkansas. My mother’s name is Elizabeth and I need to call her. She is probably freaking out right now.” I stammer out. I can’t believe I’m alive. I also can’t believe no one knows where the hell I am. Why didn’t they file a missing persons report?

“Alright sweetie, calm down. Give me any numbers I need to call and we will get everyone here.” I prattle the number for mom and Chance. “Listen to the doctor now sweetie. Your family will be here soon.”

“Now Ms. Davis, the police are here to talk to you. There was a male with you. He didn’t make it. They would like to know what happened out there.” I look up at him and nod my head. I don’t really want to see the police but I will do whatever they want.

An older gentleman in a suit walks into the room. His badge flashes in the light and he has an easy smile on his face. “Hello Ms. Davis. I’m Detective James and I have been assigned to your case.” I nod and he keeps talking. “Now I was listening outside the room and I ran your name through and there does seem to be some activity.”

I’m sure I looked really confused. I haven’t even been pulled over for speeding. What could my record say? Do they have tapes of me selling drugs for Creed? Oh my god I’m going to jail for the rest of my life! The machine that is hooked up to my heart starts going crazy and my head starts to feel dizzy.

“Calm down Ms. Davis. I only meant that your friend Chance Duncan Copyright 2016 - 2024