Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,83

tried to file a missing persons on you earlier today. Since you hadn’t been missing for 24 hours they had to wait but it did say to keep a look out for a woman matching your description.” He pauses looking through a notepad I’m sure he pulled out of his jacket. “Creed Donovan is wanted in the connection of kidnapping a Macy Duncan and setting fire to a Mrs. Chambers house. And the theft of a Mr. Marley Chambers vehicle. Is that the male we found with you? He didn’t have any identification either.” He looks up at me hopeful.

“Yes that was Creed Donovan. He is my ex-boyfriend. We broke up weeks ago. I hooked up with my old boyfriend, Chance Duncan and Creed wasn’t happy. He has been stalking me the whole time. He kidnapped Macy because it hurt Chance and I at the same time. I guess he set my Grammys house on fire just to hurt me. It scared her so bad she had a heart attack.“

“Mrs. Chambers did have a heart attack but it says here that she was dead for at least 8 hours. Mr. Donovan was spotted in Arkadelphia at the time of her death so there is no way he was the cause of her death.” He looks up at me I guess expecting me to go on.

How do you go on from that revelation? He had nothing to do with it. Somehow shooting him feels wrong and completely disgusting. I thought he killed Grammy and in my head it was like a life for a life. I know it wouldn’t bring Grammy back but at least I would have gotten revenge. Now his death at my hands was pointless. I really didn’t mean to kill him but I was still trying to make it seem better in my head.

“I was staying at Chance’s house because Chance thought Creed didn’t know where he lived. We thought I would be safe there but Creed knew all along where Chance was living. He waited until everyone in the house went to school and came in through the front door. I’m not sure if it was locked or not because I didn’t hear him enter. He hit and kicked me a few times until I passed out. He took me out there to that cliff.” I pause, tears start to flow. “He said some things to make me really upset so I said some things back to him. The gun was in his left hand it was pointed down. It went off and hit me in the leg. I fell to the ground and he dropped the gun. I didn’t even think I just picked it up and shot. I didn’t know it would hit his chest and he would die.” I sob out placing my head in my hands.

“Calm down Ms. Davis. Nurse Gladys will come back in here and kick my ass.” He places a card down on the blanket but I don’t look up at him. “I’ll get this filed but we ask that you don’t leave the county. There will be a full investigation and you will need to be available to answer any questions.” I hear him leave the room and I start to cry even harder.

I’m going to go to jail for killing Creed. Where’s the justice in that?

I fall back onto the pillows and curl into my sides. Apparently I have only been gone for hours instead of days. I wonder how that hunter found us. I know it’s not deer season, so I can’t imagine what he was hunting up there.

I may not have deserved the things that happened to me but neither did Creed. He was just a lost man who had trouble finding his way. It’s funny the difference between my two guys. One who beat the odds given to him and the other who let it drown him. I think I will always hurt for what I did to him. I should have pushed that gun over the cliff. Anything really but shoot him.

The nice older nurse, Gladys I think Detective James called her walks in then and stops in her tracks with a scowl on her face. “Why are you bawling like that sweetie?”

I shake my head as sobs start to rack my body. I can’t hold them in. I’m a terrible person. How could I have done this? What kind of person kills? I should have done anything I could have not to Copyright 2016 - 2024