Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,54

hope she doesn’t start talking about what she went through. It’s bad enough I had to hear about Cassie. I, like everyone else in this town couldn’t believe what happened to her, or the truth about her family. It makes that Creed is Macy’s father look like nothing compared to her.

In a way we have a little bit in common. While I wasn’t truly raped, not like she was, it was her boyfriend’s best friend who did it. Not that Chance is my boyfriend. Then it turned out the towns head gangster was her brother and her dad wasn’t her dad. To say she is kind of infamous in this town is an understatement.

She is quiet on the drive to my house but I know she’ll start talking soon. Harley was never one to keep quiet about anything. She is feisty and strong, something I will never be. “I know you are going to start talking about crap I really don’t want to talk about, so I’m saying right now, I don’t want to talk.” I turn my head to look out the window and hope that wasn’t insensitive.

“That’s fine Norma. I didn’t want to talk about it either. And I know it’s hard, but you went through so much more than I did. I only had one thing happen, you had something every day to live with. I can’t imagine that kind of pain. Mine is enough but I honestly hurt for you. I know people say they wouldn’t let a man hit them, but I wouldn’t know what to do in the situation. I love Spencer to death and if he ever hit me, I wouldn’t stop loving him. Not that he would, I’m more likely to hit him.” She giggles and I can’t help but to smile. That is so true. “I’m just saying, we love who we love. Just because he is a bad person doesn’t mean you don’t love him. There was something that made you fall in love with him in the first place.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t love Creed. I had love for him, but I was never in love with him. I mean how could I be if my heart belongs to someone else?” I slap my hand over my mouth and look over to see her smiling big. “What?”

“I just wanted to hear you say it. That your heart belongs to Chance. People in this town look up to you. You made one of the biggest names in this place fall to his knees when you left. I’d like to see you pick him back up again.” She looks over at me and winks.

I’d like to see him get picked up again myself. Only if he stops this stupid shit about being with me to protect me. I don’t need him to protect me, I just need him to love me. I think I always needed him to love me. And long after Harley drops me off and I’ve talked to my mom, I lay in bed wondering if maybe he always needed me to love him too.


“Norma.” Chance whispers my name pulling me close and kissing me on the forehead.

I shake the sleep from my head and blink my eyes at him. I guess mom let him in. Crazy woman. “What are you doing here?” I ask voice still rough with sleep.

“I came to talk.” He pulls me against his chest and lays his forehead against mine. My stomach is full of butterflies and my breathing has become labored. “Norma Jean…” he whispers again staring down at my lips. Okay when did he get sexy like that? I’m used to the hot demanding kisses we shared as teenagers, not this intense wanting he is evoking in my body.

I clear my throat and back away. “So talk.” I crawl all the way out of his arms and sit up on the bed. I make sure the covers are over my legs, since I’m only wearing a shirt and boy shorts.

He clears his throat as well and sits up against the head board. “Why did you leave me?” he asks very softly bringing out pain I don’t want to feel right now. I don’t want to feel anything. All this shit is starting to become too much. It’s taking over my entire life. All I wanted was to be free. Seems I can’t out run my past no matter how hard I fucking try.

“That day at graduation Creed walked up Copyright 2016 - 2024