Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,53

I hope they take care of Creed for causing her so much distress. “This scary man came and took me. He put me in this basement and I cried forever, Mimi. Then Paige found me and let me out. Please don’t make me go with that man again!”

“No one will make you go anywhere with him again, I promise sweetie.” Stacy says as she rubs her back. Then she looks up at Paige. “Who. Was. It.” The steel in her voice has most of us giving her surprised faces.

Paige looks over at me and I shake my head yes. We shouldn’t lie. This is Macy’s life we are talking about. She needs us to protect her and we can’t do that if no one knows the truth. “Creed Donovan.”

Chance’s parents gasp and exchanged shocked faces. “Why in the world would he take her?” I look over at Cassie and the tears are pouring out of her eyes as she gets a hold of Macy.

“I’m going to go take Macy upstairs, Mom. Norma will fill you in. I’m sorry.” She sobs, taking Macy and running up the stairs.

Then all eyes are on me. “Umm…He’s the father.” And don’t I sound like Maury from day time television.

“You have got to be joking right now. There is no way Cassie would do that to her brother.” Stacy states looking through the emotions in my eyes. This part Cassie will have to tell her. I’m not announcing to the entire room how he is the father.

“I’ll let her explain it to you. Not my story.” An officer comes over and takes my statement and then asks Paige where to find Creed. She tells him at Dean’s house but I know by the time they get there, he will be gone. There isn’t anything anyone can do to save him. He made his bed and now he has to die in it.


I’m not all that surprised when my Grammy walks into the Duncan household. That woman is in everyone’s business. I honestly think she could become a billionaire with all that knowledge in her head. Selling secrets to husbands and wives about cheating spouses, or using it as blackmail. Though I know she will die with all that shit. I, to this day don’t know how the hell she does it. I’d go crazy with all that information. “It’s nice to see you Grammy.” I tell her as I hug her neck.

“You too Norma Jean. You should go see your momma now that all the excitement has calmed down.” She pats my back before breaking away.

She pushes some of my hair behind my shoulder and starts meddling. “After that you should go have a talk with that boy. I always thought you were a dumb ass for running off.” Then she kisses my cheek and walks off to bother someone else. I love her but I wish she would mind her own business.

I shake my head and walk towards the front door. As Chance walks in I find my entire body freezing. Standing there with his hands in his jeans pockets. Looking vulnerable, which I haven’t seen in years. I thought it was his best look. It makes him look real what with those beautiful hazel eyes and the rest of his perfect face. I’m still trying to get used to the really short hair. “Smalls.” he whispers out. The nickname flows over me and the goose bumps erupt over my skin. I can remember him calling me that while he was hovering above me about to come.

Okay let’s not go there.

“Chance.” I refuse to play that game with him. He just got his niece back and we can talk later.

“Can we go somewhere and talk?” he steps closer to me and I take one back.

“I have to go see my mom.” I try to push around him but he lightly grabs my elbow.

“Then I’ll come over later. Okay?” I’m looking straight ahead but I can feel his eyes looking down at me. So all I do is nod.

I leave the house and realize I don’t have a way to leave. Shit. “Need a ride?” I about jump out of my skin because I didn’t realize anyone was around. Harley Maxton stands about three feet in front of me swinging her keys around her finger.

“Yeah. You don’t mind?” I ask eyeing her up and down. The tall red head with her curves and trademark smirk turns around and heads toward her car. I follow and Copyright 2016 - 2024