Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,52

life.” I stare him down. Creed may be Dean’s family but Creed seriously fucked with mine and he’s not going to jail. He’s going 6 feet under.

“I figured you wouldn’t want what is about to happen. You know who he pissed off don’t you? Marley would never let him live with this. He’s going to die, and I’m sorry to have to say that to you. You need to learn to live with it.” The look on his face is sad and I hesitate with what I want to happen. Dean doesn’t have much and Creed is a part of that. Though he’s not much.

I’m about to say something else when honking starts coming from down the street. Then a little pink car pulls into the driveway. Mrs. Davis, Norma’s grandmother. “Dean, Chance.” We nod as she walks over to us. “My grandson in that house?” we both nod again. And she walks her little body right into the house.

Mrs. Davis is no one to fuck with. She’s known around town for getting into everyone’s business. The thing about it is, she knows everyone’s business. Everyone’s secrets and dirty laundry and we all learned a long time ago not to doubt she wouldn’t tell. Plus she runs a shooting range and always has a shot gun in her car. I even think she knows martial arts. She’s not that old, yet.

Her graying head sways back towards us and we look up when she begins to speak. “Y’all coming? You’re going to miss all the fun.” And she winks. She is the same height as Norma and I believe her hair was that chestnut color like her daughters and grandchildren before she started graying. Her violet eyes are crazy looking though. Like she can’t think with all those secrets in her head. I wouldn’t doubt it.

“Yes ma’am.” we say at the same time and chase after her.

We find everyone in the kitchen. Mason stands in the background of course watching over everything, taking in every single detail. Creed is tied to a chair and half his face is bruised. Marley stands over him with hate and murder in his eyes. “Marley Davis, you step away from that boy right now.” Mrs. Davis bellows out.

“Grams? What the fuck are you doing here?” Marley questions with total surprise in his voice. I’m not though. The woman knows everything. I’m surprised no one called her to ask who had Macy.

She smacks Marley on the back of the head with her palm. Hard. “Watch your mouth boy. Don’t make me spank your ass in front of all these people.” She glares and Marley backs off of Creed, walking over to stand with Mason.

“Now, Creed Donovan here is what we are going to do.” She pulls up a chair right in front of him and takes a seat. “These boys are going to untie you and you are going to walk out of here. I’m a woman of many means but I still believe in second chances.” She looks over at me and winks. Umm okay. “You will stay away from my grandson and my granddaughter. In fact you will stay away from anyone they care about. If I hear about you in this town or if I hear you messing with someone, I’ll hunt you down boy. And when I kill you no one will know where to find your body. I don’t play around. You’re young and I think you can change. And if you don’t, well I’ll be after you so fast.” She turns to look at Mason and raises her eyebrows. “Well untie him Mr. Hebert.” Which Mason does.

“What the fuck Grams!” Marley exclaims. My thought exactly.

“Watch your fucking mouth Marley. I will not tell you again. Like I said, he gets another chance. Don’t argue with me.”

Chapter 11


When Paige walked through that door with Macy, I think most of the house breathed a sigh of relief. Now we are left with what to tell everyone. Do we admit who her father is or do we lie? It’s a hard decision to make. Cassie doesn’t want anyone to know, and I really don’t blame her. I wouldn’t want anyone to know that kind of thing.

“Macy! Where have you been? You scared mommy and Mimi to death!” Stacy exclaims the moment she gets her hands on the little girl.

Tears fall out of Macy’s big blue eyes and all I can do is feel guilt. This is all my fault that she is scared. Copyright 2016 - 2024