Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,33

she wants to go explore campus. Our dorm is called France’s Crawford and it only houses freshman girls. Apparently the building across from us holds a Chick-fa-la which sounds promising. Off to the right side there is a view of a park down a steep cliff. The back drop being the Ouachita River, which the school is named after. Off to the left is another dorm and after that you have to walk around to see anything.

There is a fountain in the middle of this courtyard which is on the other side of the building across from our dorm. The building turns out to be several building connected together making a U around the courtyard. The fountain has several flag poles with flags from all over the world.

We stumble upon a gold tiger statue with its mouth open in a growl. The school mascot is a tiger so I guess that’s why it’s sitting out here. It’s really old but pretty. We head towards the cafeteria which is the biggest one I have ever seen. Downstairs is a Starbucks and a conference center. Upstairs is the cafeteria for staff and students and the outer wall is all windows. I spot the bridge again which connects to more dorms on the other side.

We end up entering a building called McClellan Hall which is quite small compared to the others around this place. When walking into it the smell is pleasant. Really clean and lemony. There is this another statue of a dudes head. Underneath on a plaque it reads “Dr. McClellan” so I assume this building is named after him. You see the statue on the right but the left will take your breath away. There is a huge circle cut into the ceiling and it highlights the floor which is circles and circles of brick.

There is a small museum with things from Dr. McClellan’s life. All behind glass but the place is just big enough for a few people to fit inside. I try the doors but they are locked. “Can’t go in there. Only on special occasions.” comes a woman’s voice behind me. I turn to see a short tan woman with long black hair and hazel eyes. I think of Chance but I quickly push that out of my head. “Freshman I assume?”

“Yes, ma’am. I was just wandering around campus with my roommate but I’m thinking I lost her somewhere.” I smile nervously in case I’m not supposed to be in here.

“It happens. The campus is huge and there are tons to look at. I’m Deborah. I clean this building from floor to roof every day.” She reaches out her hand and I politely shake it.

“Norma.” I tell her. “This is really beautiful. I kind of want to spin around in the light.” I laugh softly at myself for admitting that.

“Oh no need to be embarrassed. My daughter used to do the same thing when I brought her to work with me. I wish she had gone here. She knew this whole campus like the back of her hand.” She shakes her head and smiles to herself.

“Where did she go?” I ask curious. My dad told me the employees children can go for free here, who wouldn’t jump on that?

“She said college wasn’t for her. She’s married now with a little girl. Stubborn girl that one.” She turns to walk away. “It was nice talking to you Norma. You remind me of my daughter a lot. If you take psychology, sociology or education I’ll be seeing a lot of you.” She waves before heading down a bright hallway.

“There you are!” Regina says as she walks out the other hallway. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere! Don’t wander off anymore, you’re going to get lost in this massive place.” She walks right up to me and loops her arm with mine and pulls me along.

“You’re the one who took off. Besides this building was calling to me, I had to see what it wanted.” I stumble a little as I try to keep up with Regina.


It took me three and a half weeks before I ran into him. He walked into the bar Regina had dragged me to. He wasn’t my big foot, but he was still gorgeous. I didn’t know what to do with myself when he asked me to dance. I finally said yes after a while and with heavy pushing from Regina.

We danced for what seemed like forever. I got lost in his eyes but he Copyright 2016 - 2024