Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,32

I’m the one who won, aren’t I? I made you fall in love with the ugliest girl alive. That is what you said once upon a time right? Well I don’t nor will I ever love you Chance. I hope this letter breaks your heart into a million pieces. I hope it shows you what kind of person you are. Goodbye.


With this letter she left me bare.

She left me broken.

She left me so in love.

All I wanted was her.

All she wanted was revenge.

Chapter 7

3 months later


I packed up all my stuff and Rydstorm as fast as I could that day and loaded it up in my car. I knew from Chance’s text messages he was going to come looking for me at the house sooner or later. I should have confronted him but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I couldn’t bare to watch him lie to me. So I moved in with my dad for the summer.

I hate to admit I spent most of the first month crying and re-reading the messages he sent me. He called every day for the first few weeks, but with no response he stopped. No messages, no calls, nothing. I want to say that it doesn’t hurt, but it does. Bad.

My dad didn’t know what to do with me. I can’t say that I blame him. He spends his time up here alone and come on, he is a man. What does he know about distraught teenage girls? Not a damn thing. Which is fine, that’s the reason I moved up here. I wanted to be alone, I didn’t want to be around anyone at all. I think I’m worse off then I was before. And that is saying something.

Today is move in day at OBU. They have a policy that all unmarried freshman have to live on campus. Which means I have to live in a dorm, with another girl. Joy…not. At least this place is all about the proper way. No co-ed dorms. I won’t have to worry about living around the opposite sex. Something I could have only hoped for.

Dad offered to come with me, but I didn’t need him. When have I ever really needed him? He hasn’t been around for most of my life so what’s the point? Mom wanted to come see me settled but I told her no. She has to work tonight and she wouldn’t get any sleep.

To say I’m scared is an understatement. I get so nervous having to do new things. This is the biggest newest thing I have ever done. My whole body trembles when I pull up outside my dorm. The entire campus is made up of brick buildings. Some of them really old and some of them very new. There is a bridge that goes over a deep crevice that connects the two sides of campus. This place is freaking huge and intimidating. I hope someone has a map.

I walk into the building with one of my suit cases and a bag hanging off my arm. I have a key in my pocket that was sent to me in the mail. I finally find the room I’m in, on the third floor. I slip my bag off my arm and the key into the lock and push the door open.

My roommate is setting out books on a desk and turns to look at me. She has long blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. Very pretty cheerleader type. Well until she opens her mouth. “Who the hell named you Norma Jean? You look like a Lexi or an Elvira. Jesus was your mom smoking crack?” she places her hands on her hips and sends me a glare.

“My family has this thing with naming everyone after famous people. My mom is Elizabeth after Taylor, my aunt is Grace after Kelly and my cousin is Marley after Bob. I’m Norma Jean after Marilyn Monroe. You’re Regina right?” I set my bag down on the empty bed and take in the white wash walls that kind of hurt my eyes.

“Regina yeah. Well I’ll just called you Norma if that is okay. Sticking the Jean on kind of makes me think of a country girl with daisy dukes.” She turns back to what she was doing before I walked into the room.

“That’s what big foot said.” I whisper under my breath. She doesn’t hear me, though I didn’t want her too.


Regina has this get up and go attitude and after unpacking her stuff Copyright 2016 - 2024