Night Kissed (Chosen Vampire Slayer #1) - Mila Young Page 0,78

was under my protection, part of my tribe. I turned back to his captor. “Your terms?” I sneered.

“Well…” The vampire cast his eyes to the side. The hairs rose on the back of my neck. Belatedly, I wondered if I had fallen into a trap. “Firstly, I would like you to know that I am not alone in this.” He gestured, and a veritable army emerged from the shadows—including many of my own people. Fire burned through my veins.

“What kind of reckoning is this?” I hissed. “You think you can make your leader bow?”

“No, Clanmaster.” A small contingent of Alaskans stepped forward to face me. “Hear us out before passing your judgment.” They paused, glancing at each other for courage. “We want the demon to leave our territory.”

“I’m listening,” I grumbled. “For now.” Admittedly, it was an idea that appealed to me as well for a plethora of reasons.

“He’s reckless,” they continued. “He’s unpredictable, and he shows no loyalty to anyone other than you. He could tear this city apart if he were ever to go unchecked.”

“And what makes you think that will happen?” I demanded.

“What makes them think it won’t?” The vampire who had met me cut in smoothly, redirecting my rising temper toward himself. “With all due respect, Clanmaster, your iron grip on the territory is weakening. We are occupying you, after all.” He smiled, as if he’d made a harmless little joke.

“Let it be said that your welcome is fast running out,” I answered.

“Then allow me to propose a solution.” He folded his hands, steepling the tips of his fingers, and smiled. “We will relieve you of this hellish burden, take him back with us, and consider a truce brokered.”

“No.” I didn’t even have to think about it. Like hell was I ever going to give up a mercenary, no matter how frustrating and bullish he could be. I didn’t give up on one of my own. That was just a needless advantage for them.

“Not even a counter-offer?” The city vamp raised his eyebrows. “You aren’t much of a businessman, are you, Orion?”

“Maybe I would be if you posed more of a threat.” I shook my head. “No. You have finally missed a step. This dance we’ve been doing is over.” I held his eyes. “Get your cronies and get out. Now!”

“And what if we refuse?” came the reply.

I bared my teeth. “Then I’d be happy to assist you.”

One of the lackies from the enemy clan lunged at me, followed by others. Those loyal to me were quick to remember who their clanmaster was and took their side alongside me to fight.

I lashed out and grabbed the oncoming attacker by the neck, twisted it with ease and tossed him aside. Then I threw myself into battle, eager to spill blood and break bodies. Punching my fist right into another’s chest, I kicked him aside and turned to two others. Fury licked at my insides, and with everything of late, I craved to destroy all those who stood in my way.

The battle grew brutal, and I threw punches, headbutted the enemy, and I wasn’t below ripping out hearts. Blood splashed on my face as I tore out a vamp’s throat, and I reveled in it.

One slammed into my back, an arm latched around my throat. I swung an arm over my shoulder and loped it over his head. I crouched forward suddenly and wrenched the asshole forward as he lost his footing, then I made quick work of snapping his neck. Shoving him off my back, I straightened and glanced to the back of the warehouse, the chains binding Seth grated heavily across the floor, igniting showers of sparks. The demon strained against his shackles. He couldn’t stand to sit by and watch volley after volley of frenzied blows fly back and forth. To be denied even a small sliver of the excitement was worse than any torture for him.

But Seth’s strength had been spent during the futile struggle to avoid captivity, and now he stood no chance of an unaided escape. He watched, his anger rising, as the vampire clans tore into each other. Shrieks of fury and pain echoed off the walls.

I was too preoccupied with the onslaught of enemies to spare him to much more attention. Had I been able to, I would have loosed him from his chains with my own hands so he could take his place by my side. As it was, the urban rats purported to overwhelm me. I lost sight Copyright 2016 - 2024