The New Girlfriend - Sheryl Browne Page 0,80

were bound to upset you.’

Kim smiled and got to her feet. ‘I’m okay, honestly,’ she assured him with a stoic smile. ‘Do you mind if I…’ Picking up her bag, she ran a hand under her nose and nodded towards the hall.

‘No problem.’ Adam smiled apologetically back. He was reaching to gather up the albums as she walked to the door. Caring, he was always that. She couldn’t imagine him being anything but. She hadn’t been mistaken about him. She hadn’t been mistaken about Josh either. He’d been caring. He’d cared for her. His thinking had been clouded by his past, that was all.

Once in the hall, she glanced back to the lounge, making sure Adam wasn’t about to emerge, and then to the stairs. Steeling herself, she went quietly up them. Adam wouldn’t think it odd if he found her up here. She’d often been up to fetch something from the abundant baby supplies Cassie stored in the nursery. Walking past it, she hesitated, then placed her hand on the main bedroom door and pushed it open.

Crossing to the bed, a king-size with pristine white linen, she paused. It was beautiful. She ran her hand over it. Like something out of a show home. Not very practical, though. A woman as neurotic as Cassie would be bound to spot the slightest blemish in an instant.



Careful not to thrust the bathroom door open and hit Adam with it, Kim tapped and then poked her head around. ‘All done?’ she enquired.

‘All done,’ said Adam, straightening up from where he’d been fixing the leak that had sprung out of nowhere from under the bath. ‘It was the P-trap come loose, though I can’t quite fathom out how. Fitted incorrectly, I suppose.’

‘Thanks, Adam. I wouldn’t have had a clue what to do if you hadn’t come to my rescue. I didn’t know who else to call. It’s so risky for single women picking a plumber off some random site, isn’t it? You never know who might turn up.’

Wiping his hands on his cloth, Adam nodded. She could tell by the combination of sympathy and annoyance flitting across his features that he got what she meant. ‘There’s a safe site that lists reputable services,’ he said. ‘I’ll let you have the link. You can always call me, though, you know that.’

Noting the earnest look in his eyes, she smiled her appreciation. ‘I know I can, Adam, thanks. I don’t like to disturb you at work, though.’

‘It’s not a problem. I’m self-employed. I can always take time in an emergency, and I owe it to Josh to make sure the property you and his son are living in is comfortable.’ Adam offered her a smile, but still looked distracted, as he had since he’d arrived. Kim guessed why. He hadn’t been at work when she’d called. He’d been at home. She gathered he’d been trying to get hold of Cassie, who apparently hadn’t been returning his calls. It struck Kim that where Adam was abundantly considerate and helpful, Cassie was totally self-absorbed. Opposites attracted, she supposed, but she really did wonder what he was doing with the woman when it was obvious he would be much better off without her.

‘No news yet?’ she asked him, her tone sympathetic.

Adam sighed and shook his head. ‘Her phone keeps going to voicemail. I was wondering whether I should drive over there.’

He was obviously worried sick about her. Nodding thoughtfully, Kim knitted her brow.

‘You don’t think it’s a good idea?’

‘Maybe,’ she said with a shrug, ‘but…’

Adam eyed her quizzically.

‘I know you’re worried about her,’ Kim went on. ‘I am too,’ she added quickly, ‘but… I’m wondering whether you might do better to give her some space. She knows you’re concerned, after all. You must have rung and texted a thousand times. I’m thinking if you just turn up, it might seem as if you’re trying to control her.’

Adam arched an eyebrow, then frowned contemplatively. ‘I suppose.’ He nodded slowly. ‘I hadn’t thought about that.’

‘From a woman’s perspective, you might do better to give her some time to think things through. She’ll be back when she’s cooled down, I know she will.’ Kim reached to give his arm a squeeze. ‘You’re a catch, after all.’

Adam smiled wryly. ‘You reckon?’

‘Um, let me see. You’re caring, not too bad-looking, handy to have around. Yup, definitely a catch.’

Adam laughed. ‘I must remember to remind myself of my attributes more often,’ he said, turning to survey his handiwork.

Yes, and so should someone else, Kim Copyright 2016 - 2024