The New Girlfriend - Sheryl Browne Page 0,79

if he was raking through old memories, no doubt wondering where it all started to go so wrong.

‘It is. Josh loved it there as a child.’ Adam smiled. ‘He was into nature even then. He’d walk for hours over the open countryside with his dog.’

Hearing the deep sadness in his voice, his obvious loneliness, Kim felt terribly sorry for him. He was clearly suffering in all of this, and he’d done nothing to deserve it as far as she could see. ‘Are these photos of him?’ she asked, nodding towards the albums.

‘They are,’ Adam confirmed. ‘Have a look if you like. I’ll go and put the kettle on. No Sam?’ he added curiously.

‘He’s with my friend for a few hours.’

‘Oh, right.’ He nodded thoughtfully. ‘She’s obviously a good friend. With you being able to leave him with her so often, I mean. We haven’t met her, have we?’

‘No, not yet,’ Kim said, walking across to the sofa. ‘Like I said, she has a little boy of her own, so she’s happy to mind Samuel.’

‘Handy friend to have around,’ Adam commented.

‘She is,’ Kim said quickly, wanting to put his mind at rest. ‘With all that’s happened, I needed a break, to be honest, so I was really grateful she could take him.’

‘Of course,’ Adam said. ‘Sorry if I appear to be grilling you. I…’

‘You’re concerned,’ Kim finished sympathetically as he trailed off. ‘Don’t worry. I get it with all that’s going on. I’d be the same. Samuel is your grandson, after all.’

Adam smiled. ‘So, how are you?’ he asked, his expression a mixture of apprehension and embarrassment, as it would be after the cruel things Cassie had said.

‘Fine,’ she assured him, ‘thanks to you. I did report the man who attacked me, by the way. I’m going to give a statement tomorrow.’

‘Well done, Kim,’ he said, with admiration in his voice, causing a flicker of guilt to run through her. ‘Let me know if you need someone to come with you.’

Her eyes flitted away. ‘Thanks, Adam, I think I’ll be fine, but that’s really kind of you.’

‘No problem at all. I’ll go and make that tea,’ he said, heading for the door. ‘Unless you’d prefer something stronger?’

‘A glass of wine would be lovely,’ she said tentatively. ‘I wouldn’t normally, but as I’m off duty for a while…’

‘One glass of wine coming up,’ Adam said, looking less tense than he had when he’d invited her in. ‘Red or white?’

‘White. Thank you.’ Glad that he was relaxing a little, she smiled at him and settled down to look through the photos.

He’d been beautiful even as a child. Kim’s heart dipped heavily in her chest as she browsed the photographs. She had loved him with her whole heart and soul. She’d been so sure that when he discovered she was carrying his child, he would realise how much he loved her. Clearly, though, his past relationships, his experience of other women, had influenced his thinking. His mother’s treatment of him, and of Adam, was hardly a shining example of how fulfilling a loving relationship could be. He’d been damaged. Kim could have changed all that, if only… He’d been so hostile that night in the pub. He’d hurt her so badly. She’d wanted him dead. She’d never imagined in a million years she could feel that way about him.

Mentally reiterating the promise she’d made him, the promise she’d made to herself to make amends, she turned the page, and froze. A photograph of Cassie looked back at her. One arm around Josh’s shoulders, she looked happy and radiant, as in pregnant radiant. Her other hand rested on her tummy. There was no mistaking the bump under her top. Kim’s gaze flicked to the photograph on the page alongside it. A grainy black-and-white image; there was no mistaking that either. It was a scan. A twenty-week scan, meaning she must have had a late miscarriage. She felt a pang of guilt, closely followed by disappointment for Adam. If he’d been poring over these, he plainly still had strong feelings for Cassie, despite the woman showing her true colours.

Aware of Adam coming back from the kitchen, she closed the album, pushed it aside and grabbed another. Then bowed her head and wiped a hand across her eyes.

‘Kim? Are you okay?’ Adam asked worriedly.

She nodded, but didn’t look up. ‘I’m fine,’ she whispered. ‘It’s just…’

Placing the wine on the coffee table, Adam moved towards her. ‘The photographs.’ He sighed in despair. ‘That was thoughtless of me. They Copyright 2016 - 2024