Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,63

He might be quiet and shy, but he’s a mastermind underneath all that. West… I’m not too sure about. But if he’s friends with my brother, I need to be wary.”

Rolling my eyes, I flicked my hand his way, then slowly sat up. “We’ll be fine. Hell, I feel like a stay-at-home kept woman with her friends coming over for coffee while my man goes off to work.”

Chuckling to myself, I rested back against the headboard and glanced over to Zion when he hadn’t said anything. His eyes darkened, and he clipped, “Say it again.”

My brows dipped when confusion swept over me. “What?”

“That I’m your man.”

My heart skipped a beat and sped off with my pulse. “You’re my man.”

He stalked back over to the bed. I leaned forward eagerly, waiting for his mouth, only he grabbed the back of my hair and tilted my head back in a hard grip. “I am yours. It means you’re mine as well.”

I gave him a teasing smile. “I thought we’d known this since I can’t seem to get rid of you.”

He shook his head, a smirk playing at his lips. “You’d never want to get rid of me.”

He was right. I wouldn’t.

With a wink, he leaned in, kissed my neck, and walked toward the door again. “See you later,” he called.

“Later.” I shot him a chin lift before he moved out and shut the door behind him. I probably had about half an hour to eat, shower, and get dressed before Wendy came in and fussed over me. I didn’t have it in me to tell her I didn’t need her assistance. She liked helping, and eventually, I wouldn’t be living under their roof where she could give it so freely. Plus, I did enjoy having a mother who cared enough to dote on me.

Still, the one thing I refused was help in the bathroom. I had to get my ass out of bed and get organized for the day.

“No one has heard anything?” West asked. Just after Lucas and West arrived, I took them into the dining room to sit around the kitchen table, since Wendy had cooked us some lunch.

I honestly did feel like a kept woman with friends over to gossip.

I shook my head. “Not a word. The cops haven’t gotten any information on his whereabouts either.” I wouldn’t lose hope though. One day Henry would slip up and we’d find the fucker. It would then be my chance to deal out the punishment he deserved. At first, I’d been reserved about telling the cops anything, but when Zion explained they had to be called in since Henry shot Samantha in the house, an ambulance had been called, and the other two motherfuckers who’d assisted Henry got taken into custody, I didn’t have much of a choice but to tell them everything. I’d been surprised they didn’t judge me for who I was and try and pin something on me. Shit like that had happened before to the brothers in the club. However, there was enough evidence to back everything up, but I also had to think the cops I had to deal with were some of the few good ones.

“Where could he have gone?” Lucas thought aloud.

I shrugged. “Anyway, I don’t want to think about that fucker. How are you two doin’? Only a couple of months before you guys graduate and go into med school. Lookin’ forward to it?”

“If I pass,” West grumbled.

Lucas slapped his arm. “You will.”

“Will the change in jobs help with study time or anythin’?” I asked. We’d both heard from Death just the other day saying he had a couple of openings coming up, and if we wanted the jobs, they were ours. Zion was happy for me, and I really didn’t want to go back to Polished. I didn’t want to go on pretend dates when I had Zion. I snapped up the job, and West told me he did the same. However, he was still working at Polished until he could start the new one.

“Maybe, I’ll have to see, but staying at Lucas’s has helped with the money situation.”

Lucas reached out and slapped West’s arm again. “I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me you’re on a scholarship and your parents weren’t helping you out with anything.”

Somehow, when I’d still been in the hospital, and they’d come to visit, West opened up to both of us about things he hadn’t shared before. His parents were religious. As such, they didn’t know West Copyright 2016 - 2024