Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,62


“Thank you.”

“Get some rest too.”

I nodded. “Soon.” After Lucas left, I couldn’t keep my eyes off Kylo. It hurt my fucking heart seeing the state he was in, but he would heal physically, and I’d help him emotionally. If I couldn’t, I would get someone who could.

Dipping, I kissed his hand in mine and rested my forehead against it. “Never scare me like this again, baby. I can’t take it. Love you too damn much.”

Chapter Nineteen


Soft lips woke me when they kissed their way from my neck up to my mouth. Reaching up, I wound my arms around Zion’s neck and held him close. I felt him smile against my mouth.

“Mornin’,” he greeted, pulling back from me.

Opening my eyes, the rest of sleep evaporated, and my mind wasn’t the only thing that woke. My dick gave a throb under the blankets at seeing Zion resting over me with an arm at each side of my head. “Mornin’ to you too.”

“Gotta go, lover, but your breakfast is beside the bed.”

My stomach fluttered. “You do know I can get my own.” It’d been a month since I got out of the hospital. I was almost healed, but it was my leg that still ached whenever I walked, well limped, around with a cane. I was told it might heal completely over time, or there was a possibility I would always walk with a limp. At first, the idea scared me, but Zion reminded me that I was alive and that was all that mattered.

He’d been right.

“Know that, but I wanted to.”

He wanted to do a lot of things for me. He’d slept at my side since coming home to Boom and Wendy’s. He’d held me close every night, didn’t push for anything sexual. He was just there, wanted to be here for me, and I couldn’t be giddier over it than I already was.

He was perfect.

He also didn’t want me at his house since that was where my attack happened, even when I kept telling him I was fine staying at his place. To me, it didn’t matter it was where Samantha died or where I’d been beaten. It was Zion’s home, was where he lived, and that was all that mattered. Yet, he refused, saying he was doing some redecorating and wanted me at Boom’s where I would be safe and warm. It helped that he stayed with me every night, or I would have fought harder to go where he was, where he lived.

I was falling hard for Zion Storey. So much so, I was fucking in love with him.

“Then thank you,” I told him, brushing a stray piece of hair from his eyes.

“Anythin’,” he said, his voice thicker than usual. He dipped and went to kiss me again, but I covered my mouth quickly.

“Morning breath,” I mumbled behind my hand.

He chuckled and pulled my hand away. “I don’t care.” He dipped again and pressed his mouth against mine. My stomach fluttered again, my cock throbbing, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders when he deepened the kiss. I loved waking with him. I loved how he kissed me, how he cared for me, how he did sweet things like making me breakfast when he didn’t have to but wanted to.

I just loved him.

He broke the kiss with a final peck of my lips. “I have to go,” he said, but he didn’t make a move to leave.

I ran my hand over his stubble, one that I liked feeling whenever we did kiss since that was all we’d done in a long time. In fact, I was tired of not having him in ways I wanted him. He’d evaded every teasing touch I’d given when I tried to reach past his waistband with a chuckle and one word of “Soon.”

Soon had better be tonight because I was ready to feel all of him inside me.

Fuck me, I sounded like a horndog, but I couldn’t help it. I was so damn horny.

“Are you goin’?”

He grinned. “Yes.”

“It doesn’t look like it,” I teased.

“I will. You have West and Lucas dropping by today.”

“I know. I do remember things.”

His brows rose, and I flicked his nose. “I do, asshole.”

He snorted. “All right then.” With another quick peck, he straightened and walked toward the door. “Behave yourself.”

“I always do.”

“Not when you’re around West and Lucas.”

I laughed. “We’re talkin’ about the same West and Lucas, right?”

He turned and nodded. “We are. I’ve known Lucas all my life. The little shit was always up to somethin’. Copyright 2016 - 2024