Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,19

got it.” Then she walked away, knowing not to approach Death since he’d set all the women straight at the beginning. If we got new girls, he’d tell them the same thing—he wasn’t interested.

Me? I wasn’t in the mood to taste female that night. I had an urge for one person only, and he was doing everything he could to avoid me. That’d change by the end of the night.

I wasn’t being cocky. He wouldn’t have offered to suck me off if he wasn’t interested in me, even in a small way. He just didn’t know how to take me and my sudden change. Fuck, I didn’t know how to take myself, but I was going along with it because I enjoyed the way Kylo could make me feel. Christ, I hadn’t felt giddy in the gut in a fucking long time.

Maybe it was the thrill of the secret or trying something new… but I reckoned it had something to do with the man himself. Thinking back, when he’d first started tagging along with Boom, before he became a prospect, I’d enjoyed listening to him and watching him because I could never anticipate what he’d do or say. He was open, like the shit he’d blurted about liking Lucas, my brother. It was also the time that Wreck had him against the wall for saying something stupid.

Wait, did he just do shit with me because of Lucas? My brother and I didn’t look much alike. I was more like our old man, taller, wider, gruffer than our sweet and short mother, except for the blond hair.

Christ, I wasn’t thinking of that now. I wasn’t comparing or competing against Lucas, not when Kylo knew Lucas was out of the picture because of Wreck. Hell, if he still had a thing for Lucas, it’d be stupid. Kylo knew Wreck would kick his ass.

I didn’t want to think. I didn’t want to worry. I just wanted to enjoy, and I fucking would because I was a greedy prick.

Some other brothers joined Death and me, and we talked about random shit—our rides, traveling, business, the club. I’d always loved to come to the compound to catch up with everyone. There were some brothers I didn’t care for, but hell, our club was big, and I didn’t have to face them most of the time.

Like Duck. He’d been a member until he’d gone against Lucas and Wreck the night Lucas had been here as Wreck’s guy for the first time. Not all could respect the connection Lucas and Wreck had—some found it disgusting and wrong. Duck was stupid enough to voice his repulsion, and he paid for it. Country, our club president, didn’t like bigotry of any kind. He kicked Duck out, and it showed the other brothers what not to do when it came to the members loving who they wanted.

I’d always known my brother was gay, not that he’d told us until recently, but it didn’t matter to me. He was Lucas, and there was nothing wrong with my brother because he loved a man. Hell, I’d never admit it to them, but I was damn happy to see them all loved up and lost in each other. In a way, I was jealous. I wanted that for me, just not yet.

I liked having fun and playing, but one day I’d settle down. Only I wasn’t sure if it’d be with a woman or a man now. My head and heart hadn’t worked out what I preferred just yet since I’d only gotten a taste of having a guy.

It was strange I’d switched up. That I’d even be thinking of a guy in my life, and it’d happened after one blow job from Kylo. But I’d go with it. There was no denying the way I craved more from him. I’d been picturing taking his mouth in a hard and hot kiss. Though, I wanted more from Kylo than just his mouth.

While the others were talking, I glanced down the other end where Kylo was. I tensed, locked my jaw, and narrowed my eyes.

He was leaning into the bar with his elbows resting on top of it, laughing at something Dusty said. She was another club girl, a newer one, and a favorite to flirt with because she was shy and didn’t just sleep with anyone. She was pickier about who she went to bed with, and we’d let her be since she was also young. Only nineteen. As far as I knew, Copyright 2016 - 2024