Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,83

I jerked away. “He doesn’t know anything about you Macy. I know you. You know me. You know I didn’t mean to do what I did. You’re really going to make me suffer?”

My eyes turned cold and black as I stared into his. For the first time since I’ve known him, I was able to look into his eyes and not want to fall into his arms. “I obviously didn’t know you too well. I suffer every time I hear your voice or see your face. I suffer every time I see anything that reminds me of you. Get out of my room and my life I never want to see you again.”

He stood there like he was trying to figure something to say. What was he doing I just told him to leave. I looked down at his tattoo and laughed. He really was stupid. I shoved his chest and told him again, “Go. Leave.”

He grabbed my arm and stared dead into my eyes. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me but I had no idea what he was thinking. “Tell me you really honestly want me gone and I’ll go. I’ll leave this fucking town, I swear.”

Trevor leave town? I don’t know if I could imagine that. Would Gary be pissed at me if Trevor did leave? Obviously there would be no more band. Nothing seemed to be working in my favor anymore. I stood there for a brief moment clinging to every good memory we had. Could I forgive him? I don’t know. There were so many good memories and he really did know everything about me, but he’d also hurt me so bad. I wasn’t ready to trust him again. But do I banish him away? Tears tried to form but I blinked them away.

“Trevor, you need to go. I can’t do this with you anymore.”

He dropped my hand and hung his head in shame. He looked into my eyes one more time and tearfully choked out, “I love you Macy.” I did nothing but stare at him as he sulked in his sorrows. He walked out the door and shut it behind him. It wasn’t until I hear the main door shut that I grabbed my chest and fell to my knees crying. But deep down, I knew I had made the right choice.

There was a brief knock at my door and Halley poked her head inside. She immediately came to my side and sat beside me. I lay my head on her shoulder and continued to cry until there were no more tears to fall. “He said he was leaving town.” That’s the only sentence I could muster. Halley just sat silent next to me. I knew I would be stronger by the end of this. These tears needed to come out. I’d cried enough over him.

“He’s gone, Marcus wouldn’t say where he was going but no one blames you Mace. This was his choice.”

“I know.” I took in a deep breath and lifted my head so I could wipe my tears. “I only did what I thought was right. Whether I would have met someone last night or not, I can’t forgive him yet. Am I that horrible?”

Halley shook her head and replied, “You are not horrible at all. He did this to himself. I know he and Marcus are best friends but you are my best friend. You come first and I’ve got your back. Hey this sounds screwed up, but now you can come back to The Lounge. Maybe bring this new hottie with you.” This is why I loved Halley. She could easily make me smile and forget that I was ever hurting in the first place.

I gave her a big hug and replied, “What are we doing tonight?”

She laughed. I knew exactly what we’d be doing. Going to The Lounge. I missed it so much and now I could go in without having my heart broken every time I walked in. “The Lounge, duh!” She stood up and helped me to my feet. “I’m going to plan my outfit! Get you some rest it’s on tonight! Invite this guy, I want to meet him.” I’m sure my face turned twenty shades of red at that point. Luke was turning to be a little more than a casual fling for right now. Why shouldn’t I invite him? He did say he wanted to see me again.

Halley walked out the room and shut the door behind her. I sat on my bed Copyright 2016 - 2024