Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,82

know I know!”

I noticed Marcus sitting on the couch. I waved and he waved back. He also gave Halley a look. I tried to figure out what the hell the two of them were up to. “Uh, Mace,” she said, “Come see please.”

Ok what the hell is going on? I followed her about to the bathroom when she finally stopped walking. “What’s going on Halley? What are ya’ll up to?”

She looked at me with an I’m sorry but please don’t kill me look and opened my bedroom door. There sat Trevor looking like a big pile of shit. I’d never seen him look so low before. I drew in a deep breath. I was not ready for this at all. I just had an amazing night and morning and now I had to deal with Trevor.

“What the hell is he here for?”

“Please just talk to him Mace. He’s really bad off and Marcus and I are both worried about him. Please don’t kill me, I didn’t know he was going to be here.”

I rolled my eyes at her. I couldn’t believe this shit. I waved her off and drew in a deep breath as I stepped into the room and shut the door. Trevor looked up at me with a tear stained face. The old Macy would have ran to his side to comfort him, but the new Macy was a little too hurt and didn’t care because she was never enough.

“What are you doing here Trevor?” This conversation needed to end quickly. I wasn’t in the mood to baby him. He stared at me and looked as if he were searching for the words. I tapped my foot impatiently waiting. “If you aren’t going to talk then you need to leave.”

He let out a huge sob and choked out, “I miss you so much Macy. I fucked up. I told you that and then last night, I saw you at Gills with that…that guy. You ripped my heart out. Did you go home with him?”

Ohmigod we were not having this conversation. “First of all we aren’t together Trevor so if I do choose to go home with someone, it’s not your business. Second, well you did fuck up and I’m not putting up with it. I didn’t cheat on you. You cheated on me when I was hurting and needed you more than ever and you showed me what was important to you. I know I was never enough for you. You don’t have to pretend I was.”

He tried to stand up but I glared at him, daring him to move. “I smell his cologne on you Macy. You slept with him? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He pulled the sleeve up on his shirt to reveal the tattoo that Luke had given him earlier. “I did this for you. Because I fucking love you. To show you that you are everything to me.” His tears were flowing harder than before and I blinked back any tears I had trying to form. There would be no weakness in front of him.

How in the hell was he turning all this around on me? “Well you’re fucking stupid for getting a damn tattoo. What the hell is that supposed to show me? That you’re stupid? That you think that changes the fact that you slept with her while I was grieving the loss of our baby?” I really needed to lower my voice because the more I continued the louder I got because I was getting angrier by the minute. “By the way, I did sleep with him since you think you need to know. Want to know something else? He did your stupid tattoo.” I smirked knowing I was being a complete bitch.

His jaw dropped and he stood up. He began pacing the room trying to figure out what to say. He was pissed though. I could tell that. “So you’re fucking throwing us away for some guy you just met at a bar? I can’t believe you Macy.”

My eyes practically bugged out of my head. “I didn’t throw anything away Trevor. It was already gone the minute you put your dick in that bitch. Don’t you dare turn this around on me! We’re done and I don’t think I could ever forgive you. Don’t count on a second chance with me Trevor. I’m not that girl. It’ll never happen.”

He looked as though I just turned a knife in his chest. He tried to touch my arm but Copyright 2016 - 2024