Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,53

was not going to put her business out there like that. She would kill me but right now that didn’t sound half bad.

“Um, ok.”

“Don’t they sell those early detection ones? I don’t know what kind to buy, I’m going to look. Just sit right here. I’ll be right back.” He kissed my forehead and walked out and I began crying on the couch.

This could not be happening right now. Things were going so good. What the hell would I tell my Uncle Gary? Hey remember how you didn’t want us dating but then you gave us your blessing but guess what? I may be pregnant! Still giving us that blessing now? I fumbled for my phone and dialed Halley’s number.


“Where the hell are you Halley?”

“Macy we went out didn’t you get my text. I got us all a surprise we’re going to be home soon.”

“I need you here, like now. I may have a damn surprise of my own! Trevor just went to buy a damn pregnancy test.”

There was silence for a minute then she whispered, “What the hell are you talking about you said you weren’t supposed to start for two weeks?”

I did not whisper when I replied, “Well I was wrong. I’m two weeks late. I was looking at the app and he saw it. What the hell? You rubbed off on me! I’m freaking out here.”

“We’re an hour away. Just take the test and text me. You’re probably the one who’s super stressed. Don’t worry Mace. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

I hung up the phone and laid on the couch sobbing. A few minutes later Trevor came in with a bag of tests. “Christ Trevor how many did you buy?”

“At least five. Look I don’t know how this works. I just want to know what’s going on and make sure everything is going to be ok.”

I grabbed the bag and ran into the bathroom. I locked the door and stared at every test he bought. It was now or never. I had to do this. I was just stressing. You are fine Macy. There is no baby growing inside of you. You and Trevor are not having a baby. Think positive thoughts. I peed on every stick and laid them out impatiently waiting for the verdict of my life. This was a dream. Mother Nature would be here shortly to grace me with her presence and I would be forever grateful. I would look back at this day and laugh. I glanced at each and every test and my eyes filled with tears. Every single one read or showed the symbol for pregnant, one of them even had a little pink line. Time stood still as I tried to process the fact that was staring me in the face, there was a baby growing inside me.

I suddenly felt like Halley this morning when she was babbling about Marcus possibly not wanting kids or her anymore and what if Trevor didn’t want all those things. How the hell would I keep an eye on him at the bar with that bitch preying on him? The tears kept falling and it turned into a horrible nasty cry. I mean nose running and everything, I was glad no one was in there to see this display of snot and tears. My life as I knew it was over.

“Macy, open the door are you ok?”

Shit. He was outside the door. I wanted nothing more than to disappear right now. I wasn’t ready to face any of this. Slowly, I mustered the strength to get up and unlocked the door. Trevor opened it and saw my face and looked at the tests.

“You can leave if you want. I completely understand, “I choked out in between sobs. I tried to shut the door but his hand caught it and he opened it back up.

Trevor stepped inside of the bathroom and he pulled me into a hug and sat with me on the bathroom floor. I sobbed onto his shirt til most of it was soaked. “Macy, I’m not going anywhere. This may be happening sooner than we want it to but I don’t want this with anyone but you. I’ll do whatever I have to make you happy and take care of you and our baby.” Our baby, those words sounded so surreal. Shit, I needed to text Halley. She was going to flip her lid. “I love you more than anything Macy. I don’t mean to bring this up Copyright 2016 - 2024