Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,52

and we listened to the next band on stage. They reminded me a lot of Mumford and Sons. I really liked them. Well now I did. At first I didn’t give them much of a chance and then one day in my car I actually listened and I became a fan after that. A few songs in they actually covered ‘I Will Wait’. I sang along with them and Trevor kissed my forehead.

After the song finished we listened to a few more songs from our same spot in the grass. “You ready to get out of here babe?”

“Whenever you are. This was so much fun. I’m glad we sang, I don’t even know how to describe how that felt!” He smiled and helped me up. As we started leaving I heard a voice that sounded a little too familiar. I looked over to find the chunky haired red bitch watching us. I wanted to go punch her face in, but instead I grabbed Trevor’s face and gave him a long hard passionate kiss. A thank you for today is what I called it. A few people standing nearby gave a few cat calls. I looked over to see flames practically shooting from her ears and I gave her my biggest smile and winked. He was all mine and I had no problem letting anyone else know it, especially her. She walked off looking pissed and she should. This wasn’t a game. This was my happiness and I will always win when it comes to that.

Chapter 12

Marcus and Halley were nowhere to be found when we got back to the apartment. Several hours at the park had worn me out. Trevor sat on the couch and I lay across his lap. My phone was stabbing me in my leg. I pulled it out and saw a text from Halley. She said they had gone out for the day and by the way she had started her cycle. I breathed a sigh of relief for her. I know she was very relieved. She had worried for nothing; I figured that much while she was in her panic. I know she was stressed with work. She was up for a promotion and had been putting in a few extra hours at the clinic. On top of all that, she was attempting to have a social life. Sometimes it’s hard to balance all that. She had a lot on her plate. I wish she were here so I could tell her she worried for nothing and give her a huge hug. She would get her hug when they finally got back.

Speaking of cycles, I opened my period tracking app out of curiosity and my face went white. I was two weeks late. Why the hell did I think I wasn’t supposed to start for two more weeks? I’ve always kept up with all that the way I was supposed to and I sure have never been late for my period. Ever. I felt my body tense as soon as I realized what was possibly going on and Trevor felt it too.

“Hey Mace you ok?”

“What are you talking about? I’m fine baby.”

“You’re all stiff all of a sudden, you ok?”

I fumbled for the words to say. I had literally just had this talk this morning with Halley but about her and now I was the one about to become a freaking mess. I hadn’t closed the app yet. It was still open on my phone. Trevor caught a glimpse while I fumbled around to grab it and stared. I hurried and closed it out praying he hadn’t realized what he was just looking at and he silently watched me. It was kinda eerie.

“It’s nothing Trevor.”

“Are you late? I’m not crazy, I know what I just saw on your phone.” My jaw slightly dropped and I looked down. I couldn’t look him in the face. This talk could not possibly be happening right now. He lifted my chin until our eyes met. “Macy. Talk to me.”

“Uh, um, y-yeah. I’m sure it’s nothing though.” I added the last part quickly. I was terrified and trying not to hide it. I badly wanted to text Halley but it was not easy with him sitting right here staring at me.

He stood up and grabbed my hand. “I’m going down to the store and I’m buying you a test.” My eyes grew wide and I stared. I wanted to blurt out that Halley probably had one lying around but I Copyright 2016 - 2024