Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,13

go crawl into a hole.

Chapter 4

From the moment Trevor informed me we had kissed I didn’t know what to think. There were no words, no thoughts, no anything. Halley couldn’t find out because my head would surely be on the chopping block. I have never kissed a guy before. Seriously. Twenty three damn years old and I’ve never kissed a guy. Was I a horrible kisser? Wait he didn’t say it sucked, he said it was the highlight of his night. Does that mean it was a good kiss? I was a good kisser? Was it just a peck or a full on make out kiss? I wouldn’t know, I didn’t remember! I don’t’ even know what you even do when you kiss a guy and apparently I did it all last night.

The crowd in The Lounge got loud and the lights dimmed. This place could easily hold about a hundred people. There weren’t that many tonight but it was definitely packed. Trevor grabbed the microphone and with a loud husky boom said, "How’s everyone doing tonight?" The crowd roared. The guys were pretty popular here. They needed a name though. Maybe one day they would get one together. Gary had made a good investment in them. "How’d everyone like Macy’s singing?" The crowd roared again and I swore I’d kill him if I ever stopped blushing. "Well, we have some originals we’re going to play tonight if that’s ok. You guys like the band Chevelle? We may play a few covers if that’s ok." The crowd of course went wild, especially the women. It was pretty pathetic. They probably didn’t even know who Chevelle was, they just liked the idea of Trevor. Trevor up there in his tight shirt and him playing guitar with those muscles bulging out of that shirt. Oh man. His voice coming through the speakers touching the inner core of your soul, ok that’s enough. I’ve never heard them cover Chevelle and of course that was one of my favorite bands. Well maybe they have covered them and I was too drunk to remember. At that point, the band broke into ‘The Red’ by Chevelle and I took an oath that I was not drinking anymore tonight. I sang along behind the bar trying not to look his way. No way in hell would I not remember another night that involved Trevor and those lips of his.

"They sound good tonight!" Halley reappeared watching the stage. She leaned against the bar as she blew kisses to Marcus that obviously he couldn’t return because he was playing but he smiled at her in return. She practically had to scream for me to hear her. I nodded at her in agreement as I slid her another shot of tequila that she happily accepted.

The attempt to answer her with actual words faltered for a moment because my eyes wandered towards the stage and Trevor was gazing at me while he sang and I wished with everything in me I could remember that kiss. I’d give my left arm right now to have known what it felt like to feel his lips on mine, to be able to gaze into those gorgeous eyes. To have his hands in my hair and running down my back. So much for not looking in his direction. I was putty in his hands. He could do whatever he wanted to me and I would be perfectly fine with whatever he did to me. What a fool I was becoming. And all over a boy.

"Hales come with me. I need to talk to you." The desperation shown in my eyes. I had to tell her. No way I could keep this from her. I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards Gary’s office. She asked no questions, just followed. No one at the bar needed a drink right now. Everyone was near the stage listening to the band, it was the perfect time.

We burst inside the small office and I shut the door. She asked immediately,"Hey you ok? I see that look in your eyes. What’s wrong? Your face is pale Mace. Have you seen a ghost?" She laughed a little trying to lighten the mood but I just couldn’t smile no matter how hard I tried.

The words couldn’t come out. I fumbled them around in my head for a few minutes rearranging them trying to figure out how to say what I was trying to say before I finally spat them out. "Trevor said Copyright 2016 - 2024