Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,11

assumes the role most times anyway. The DJ just arrived and he was setting up for karaoke in his little booth before the band started. The DJ booth was in need of a major upgrade. Well I say major like its falling apart but it’s not. It’s just really old and could use a little touching up.

I smiled and replied, “Don’t be like what? All I said was don't talk to me. Please lose my number. I shouldn’t have given it to you in the first place. We both know its true."

He stood there looking puzzled as if I were suddenly speaking some foreign language to him. But I promise I spoke English. I used to know some French but I didn’t keep up with it like I should have in school and because of that I could only rattle off a few words here and there. Before he could reply, Marcus walked up and began talking to him, “Hey man ready for the show tonight?” Thank God for him, he practically saved me.

“You know it bro. Hey Halley what’s up?”

“Hey Trevor. Good luck tonight guys.” She was about the only female I knew who didn’t bow down and melt at the sight of Trevor. She gave Marcus a peck on the cheek and he kissed her forehead in return. Before anyone could speak to me again, I practically ran to the booth and flipped madly through the pages of songs. The perfect getaway. I felt feisty and probably more buzzed than anything from the shots I’ve already devoured.

"Girl you’ve got that look what's going on?" Halley appeared by my side and when the smell of whiskey on my breath hit her, she glared. "Please keep it under control tonight. How many have you had?"

"Hales, sing with me. You don’t need to babysit me right now I’m ok I swear. Don't be mad. I love you. And for your information three or four drinks, shot, whatever. Who's counting?" My lip pouted out and I threw my hands in the air making wild hand gestures, she softened her glare. She knew as well I as I did that I typically could control my liquor. I didn’t always need a babysitter. I'd been drinking pretty heavily since I was nineteen. The night everything started and my world as I knew flipped upside down. Before then I’d never touched the stuff.

"Ok but I need a shot first. What are we singing?" Marcus met us and began laughing at her then went to fetch a shot of tequila for her. She threw it back with ease then grinned at me. I loved my best friend and I loved the tequila for beginning to loosen her up so she wouldn’t be able to preach to me. Or remember she needed to babysit.

I flipped through the songs again then whispered to the DJ. I don’t think I’ve ever known his name but he and I shared a music love relationship. Anything I wanted he played, he never argued or fussed with me for how much I’d drank. Two songs and two very drunk people later I reached for Halley’s arm and pulled her with me on stage. Her face was puzzled and I flashed her a big grin. "It's a surprise just trust me. All I'll say is we're taking a trip back to the 80‘s!" Trevor watched with an amused look on his face. I tried not to smile back at him but my grin spread from ear to ear. Damn Trevor James! And damn alcohol for having this effect on me! I could still see straight but with the lighting inside the bar I swear he looked like an angel. My angel, possibly. Fly me away to heaven anytime, baby. Oh great the liquors talking.

I flipped my hair like I was a real rock star on a stage and not just singing karaoke. 'Mony Mony' by Billy Idol came over the speakers. Halley started laughing because well she expected nothing less from me and I began singing. Being up there helped me feel like I was normal again. I was another normal 23 year old, not a quiet, ashamed, broken 23 year old. Any troubles I had no longer existed. The spotlight was on me and nothing else mattered. I'm no Kelly Clarkson but I know I'm not horrible. If I were horrible I wouldn’t make anyone have to listen to that like half these drunk asses do. Halley started dancing around on stage Copyright 2016 - 2024